Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 13, 2010
Man: Our only hope to stop the Ekert's scourge of niceness, gentlemen, is to find the anti-Ekert. Man: Um... how, sir? Where do we even start? Man: He'll be on whose soulless, uncaring egocentricity is so impenetrable that he's immune to the Ekert's spiritual power. Man: These days, that's an awfully big haystack to find a needle in, sir... Man: I know, I know. We'll begin by searching in the most obvious professions. Man: Legal and cable news... on it, sir. Meanwhile, in the Megaconglomecorp boardroom...
Dutchboy1 about 14 years ago
The anti-ekert is sitting right in front of you in the big chair, guys.
rayannina about 14 years ago
My first thought was: AL FRANKEN!
My second thought was: Ann Coulter!
Then Rush. Then Nancy Grace. Then … I realized they have plenty to choose from.
Sisyphos about 14 years ago
The Anti-Ekert has the advantage in this contest, but maybe the Ekert can prevail, at least for a while!
Brockie about 14 years ago
Darth, I mean, Dick, Cheney.
joefish25 about 14 years ago
You left out those wonderful folks on the radio
ImaginaryFriend about 14 years ago
“He’ll be…”, that eliminates a few good possibilities. oh, so many to choose from…
rockngolfer about 14 years ago
steverinoCT about 14 years ago
My guess: oneshopping23, or any of his other aliases
Justice22 about 14 years ago
Those are the obvious,, It will be found in the least obvious, maybe a child’s TV show? OH, NO, Hannah Montana!
TheDOCTOR about 14 years ago
(doing Rodney Dangerfield) “Soulless and Uncareing? Hang on Boss, I send a car to pick up my Wife!
dfowensby about 14 years ago
easy: the chick at the McD’s frenchfry cooker. now there’s a complete cranial void for ya.
Nelly55 about 14 years ago
my company commander in boot camp
she was one mean woman
KeithCP about 14 years ago
You all haven’t picked up on Mr. Millers’ political leanings.. Beck, Limbaugh or Hannity, Or anyone in Washington.
david5992 about 14 years ago
Don’t forget marketing and sales…
shippingtroll about 14 years ago
I would recommend a particular Fire Dept. in Tennessee.
rockngolfer about 14 years ago
I don’t think the Ethicist, Randy Cohen has written a column about the Tenn. fire but that would be a great subject.
Back to cartoon: Rove
johndoe4024 about 14 years ago
Just learned that the “Where’s Mohammed?” panel from Sunday, October 3 was pulled from a number of print editions of newspapers. Running away from free speech and open dialog; yeah, that’s the American way.,0,6731955.column
WaitingMan about 14 years ago
The tea-partiers who call all programs that might benefit one poor person unconstitutional, conveniently overlooking the line in the preamble, “…promote the general Welfare…”. Anti-Ekerts all.
Defective Premium Member about 14 years ago
I disagree with the majority of the choices made. They don’t meet both qualifications. Soulless, although they may be, Uncaring is also important. They just care about things you don’t understand. Most of these people actually believe they’re doing some good. For a few select people, but still. Not understanding someone’s point of view is not the same as being uncaring.
ububobu about 14 years ago
WaitingMan: It says PROMOTE not PROVIDE! It also says PROVIDE the common defense but you liberals hate that.
blackdawne about 14 years ago
Dick Cheney Karl Rove the corpse of Ronny Regan Lord Volderm – Hewhomustbenamed
ububobu about 14 years ago
The second panel describes the current administration to a “T”. Just go to the White House and be overwhelmed.
yyyguy about 14 years ago
i think i’ll wait for Wiley to reveal, rather than speculate. of course, since i’m a Canadian, Stephen Harper seems to be the biggest boogie man to the pundits i’m familiar with.
pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago
And again Wiley reveals his liberal bias against the business world which he adamantly denies.
BudLyte about 14 years ago
Sean Hannity
orz about 14 years ago
As long as your readers feel like they feel knowledgeable and involved in the business arena…
wicky about 14 years ago
Republican ends with “I can” American ends with “I can” Democrats ends with “rats” time to clean house.
AKHenderson Premium Member about 14 years ago
I think the anti-Ekert is either a New York City cab driver, or the guy who invented shrink-wrap packaging for DVDs .
Seed_drill about 14 years ago
All the dorks bashing Obama here apparently have forgotten that Wiley’s already established that the White House and Congress are wholly owned subsidiaries of Megaconglomecorp.
starlilies about 14 years ago
@AKHenderson - I’m with you!
Ernest Lemmingway about 14 years ago
I would have said me, since I’m a cynical, nihilistic misanthrope, but he said “egocentric.” My ego is more shriveled than a raisin on an Egyptian sidewalk…hence why I hate humanity so much.
sharkman57 about 14 years ago
Don’t forget banking and politics.
MatureCanadian about 14 years ago
Giving away my age but what about O.J.? And no kiddies, I do not mean orange juice, I mean “The Juice”.
NightOwl19 about 14 years ago
Not sure where all the political suggestions are coming from - as jack75287 suggested, there’s a good chance that it is Bob, Joe’s brother. We got a pretty strong hint for that about a week ago in one of the strips. We were told to look for an apathetic personality (not just a personality we don’t happen to personally like….) Although I actually kind of like Bob - he doesn’t seem particularly evil (and he didn’t strike me as egocentric, exactly). Anyway, it will be fun seeing how this goes!
ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago
“Legal and cable news.” They’re closing in on Danæ’s family. Uncle Nixon. Daddy’s show. It’s the kid with the skull on her shirt.
vldazzle about 14 years ago
I saw a news article about the FD where they refused to extinguish a fire because homeowner had not paid their “fee” upfront (that house burned down, but nextdoor was protected because they had paid.) There were many comments that they should have taken care of it and THEN charged the owners (not just let it burn). I see all the news ;-)
Archistoteles 10 months ago
There’s only one obvious anti-Ekert and that has to be Donald Trump.