Gary Varvel for December 24, 2016

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    The greatest Gift ever!……The Creator of the Universe loved His creation, the earth’s One Human Race of Adam, mankind, so much in need of a Savior from our chosen sins, that He, Himself provided His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be born as the Prince of Peace to provide the only possible atonement for sin, His death on the Roman cross, and His conquest of death and the devil who tempts mankind, and His victory of Resurrection and the Gospel of salvation for every human who repents of sin and asks to be adopted into God’s eternal Family, may do so! What A Gift! God’s great love will at His chosen time, redeem all who believe and trust in His promises, and all creation will be freed from the curse of sin, forever! ……Merry Christmas to Mr. Varvel and to all who enjoy his loving cartoon, also a gift to the gocomics “family”!

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    3pibgorn9  over 7 years ago

    The message hasn’t taken all that well, except in individual or small group instances and among some mainline churches.

    Lots of folks think it means prosperity for me and excludes certain people unless the come to think the way we do.

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    walfishj  over 7 years ago

    Trump wouldn’t let them in the country.

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    Flash Gordon  over 7 years ago

    Merry Saturnalia to all.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago


    The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December.


    Interesting discussion about what Jesus’ birth date would actually have been. It certainly was not Dec 25.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Although I am an atheist, I do admire Varvel’s artwork at Christmas and Easter.

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    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    He is the Prince of peace: In his name, let us exclude, scorn, and punish all unbelievers. Amen.

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    William Bednar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Wrong planet, buddy, we don’t like peace. We love bulking up our nuclear armory. Ready to blow ourselves up.

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    Geezer  over 7 years ago

    In his name, let us exclude, scorn, and punish all unbelievers. Amen.


    Indeed. Allahu Akbar!

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    HopefulAmerican said, less than a minute ago

    One more time I will try……-—————-Many posts I submitted on this website said and repeated that God created Adam (a RED man, that is what his name means) and put into his DNA and into his genes every possible variety of human person to be born of Adam’s children in all generations! -———————————Next, NC Geezer….“Allahu Akbar” means “Mohammed is the Greatest God”…..which is the lie of Satan, according to the Bible scriptures throughout the 66 books, Genesis to Revelation.—————————————-I see @sueamarlucan ‘s post received the usual “love” from the haters who post here and act as if they own the website and expect all others to agree with what they post! How very tolerant you are!—————————————Night-Gaunt49….I really had given you more credit for brains than you just displayed in 2 posts….for others more open to facts, it was the ruling occupier of Israel’s land, Caesar Augustus, who mandated all families report to their hometown for the census and for paying the Roman taxes!The Jews had no choice in the matter. The Bible does not describe them as “poor and needy”! Joseph the carpenter and his betrothed virgin Mary (who was to birth God’s only begotten son, Yeshua by the process of a spiritual miracle of conception, which left her a virgin to be the wife of Joseph and in the future have other children the natural way with Joseph as the father!) had to go to Bethlehem!… ..Only an evil and wicked mind and heart takes the true facts of God’s revealed Word to selected writers of the Jewish scriptures, and perverts the truth at every opportunity. And it is God who limits salvation to willing believers and receivers of Yeshua, or “Jesus” the only Savior!

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    ahab  over 7 years ago

    Happy Boxing Day Canucky! Remember the Moose, we miss you man! Thanks President Obama for your class, and quality leadership. A lump of coal to congressional Republicans, and obstructionists. Thanks to you thoughtful posters who care about the environment, real sciences,truthful news reporting, universal accessible and affordable American health care, green energy, true citizen equality no matter the age,sex,color, or physical challenge. Happy Holidays to all.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    Baslim the beggar GoComics PRO Member said, 1 day ago @HopefulAmerican…" Allahu Akbar” means “Mohammed is the Greatest God”…..which is the lie of Satan.."-—————-Your ignorance is showing. It says, Allah is the greatest. With Allah being the god of the prophets Moses and Jesus.-———————————————————————————————————————-No, Baslim…..Allah is a false “god” and likely a co-Rebel of Lucifer who led /3 of God’s Heavenly Angels in a Rebellion against their Creator, Jehovah or “Yahweh”!…….Moses worshipped and served Yahweh all of his life and was buried in the wilderness by God Himself, according to the Hebrew scriptures, the basis of the final version of the Old and New Testaments, the 66 books of the Bible!……………………………****Jesus is the only begotten man-god and Savior of Mankind that God promised as soon as Adam and Eve sinned in their home in Eden. Moses and all the Hebrew prophets and writers of scripture, and most of all God the Son, named by God the Father as “Jesus” whose name is the only possible name by which any human can be forgiven and blessed with eternal life with God, and in whose name Christians pray, according to God’s command in scripture, have zero connection to the false religion that stole ideas but perverted the Hebrew scriptures used in Islam to invent a new and deceitful false faith. Zero connection. If any religious doctrine does not agree 100% with the Biblical doctrines, it is not Kosher, it is not true.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    OK, @martens….Jesus Himself and the Bible scriptures say it many times, Jesus is the only Savior available in this universe………………..It is the blood Jesus shed, which because He was God in human flesh by the miracle virgin mother’s conception by the Holy Spirit, was totally sinless blood, that is the only atonement God accepts to pay the wages of sin, eternal death, and to justify forgiveness for all sin and to provide resurrection from physical death and God’s promised change from a mortal body to an eternal, immortal body like the body Jesus, God the Son’s resurrection body!There is only 2 paths on earth for mankind…as Jesus taught: the narrow way through Him, Jesus; or the broad way of refusing God’s One Way of Faith and Trust in Jesus, and refusal guarantees eternal death with Satan and all the evil angels who followed Lucifer’s rebellion before God created earth and Eden and Adam and Eve! God says He is not willing for any human to be unsaved, but He gives us all free will to choose. Please do not refuse the love and grace and mercy Jesus offers every human, and that means YOU.

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    pmaerz  over 7 years ago

    Great work Gary!

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  15. Guy fawkes
    Guy Fawkes  over 7 years ago


    Come, let us reason about the narrow path.


    A loving deity that knows all from start to finish created and maintains a system divinely guaranteed to eternally damn and torture the vast majority of humanity.


    One must surely ask- is this arrangement delusional or reasonable?

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago






    This seems to throw out John Locke’s quote of G. K. Chesterton and replace it with humans will believe anything even with religion.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    “Imagine you are God. You’re all-powerful, nothing is beyond you. You’re all-loving. So it is really, really important to you that humans are left in no doubt about your existence and your loving nature, and exactly what they need to do in order to get to heaven and avoid eternity in the fires of hell. It’s really important to you to get that across.”


    “So what do you do? Well, if you’re Jehovah, apparently this is what you do. You talk in riddles. You tell stories which on the surface have a different message from the one you apparently want us to understand. You expect us to hear X, and instinctively understand that it needs to be interpreted in the light of Y, which you happen to have said in the course of a completely different story 500-1,000 years earlier.”


    “Instead of speaking directly into our heads – which God has presumed the capability of doing so – simply, clearly and straightforwardly in terms which the particular individual being addressed will immediately understand and respond to positively – you steep your messages in symbols, in metaphors.”


    “In fact, you choose to convey the most important message in the history of creation in code, as if you aspired to be Umberto Eco or Dan Brown. Anyone would think your top priority was to keep generation after generation after generation of theologians in meaningless employment, rather than communicate an urgent life-or-death message to the creatures you love more than any other.”

    Richard Dawkins

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Mohammed said the same thing, essentially, except that it is the quran that must be accepted and Mohammed has the final word, not Jesus. And one must submit to the will of God. (Not so much different than saying Jesus is your master.)


    You claim, without any proof, that the bible is the word of your God. Likewise for the quran. Where is any proof that does not rely on the word of some fallible human.


    None of your stuff does away with the problem mentioned by Dawkins. If god really wanted us to obey the 10 commandments, he could have written them on a new satellite orbiting the earth, for all to see. That would not have done away with free will. People could still decide that they wanted to covet their neighbor’s wife. But, no power on earth could have written such a message. And apparently no god, either. All the world’s religions depend upon the imagination and gullibility of humans.

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