Heart of the City by Steenz for April 15, 2017
Heart: Yesterday, mrs. angelini took me to church and we prayed over "stations of the cross"...pictures of jesus being punished and crucified and put in a tomb. Heart: Then today we dye eggs all sorts of colors and tomorrow we get baskets full of chocolate bunnies and jelly beans and marshmallow chickies. Dean: Yeah...holidays can be pretty weird. Heart: but it's best not to ask questions if jelly beans and marshmallow chickies are at the end.
belgarathmth over 7 years ago
There’s similar mixing of Christian and ancient pagan traditions at Christmas. The early Church tried to incorporate and adapt the pagan holidays the people were accustomed to celebrating, in order to encourage more conversions and faithfulness.
Chris Kenworthy over 7 years ago
Personally, I like the cadbury creme eggs best. ;) Usually stockpile enough to last me through May.
WaitingMan over 7 years ago
We do Passover in our family. Hey, god just killed a bunch of innocent children. Lets celebrate. I know. “Best to not ask questions…”.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Yep. Don’t ask questions, just cram your mouth with candy.
alien011 about 1 year ago
The “Stations of the cross” pictures are kind of weird in their own regard. Total mix of fantasy and historical accuracy. Even the cross doesn’t look like anything in the pictures (or the cross generally shown in churches). It generally had the shape of a T, with the vertical pole being mounted in place at the execution site. The horrizontal bar was tied to the convict and the convict had to carry that bar from the prison to the execution site (the “stations of the cross”-way). There it was then pulled up (with the convict still tied to it) and the convict’s legs were then nailed to the sides of the vertical pole with two nails through the ankles. The nails were reused after each crucification.