Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for December 06, 2017

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  about 7 years ago

    Call Robert Mueller

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    railwayman001  about 7 years ago

    I bet Putin still helped you win the Presidency in the Pearls Before Swine world, Rat.

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  3. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 7 years ago

    This doesn’t make sense; I thought the Russians interfered to help corrupt incompetents win elections.

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  4. 3083024 0826053922 daveb
    Kaputnik  about 7 years ago

    The disconnect between President Rat [Trat? T-Rat?] and just plain old neighbor Rat grows larger.

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    Randallw  about 7 years ago

    Spoken like a true Democ-Rat.

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  6. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Different elections, different results. Don Juan was able to get elected POTUS. Do you think he could be elected Mayor in New York?

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  7. Mouseanim
    Ratbrat  about 7 years ago

    In the end, none of it matters.

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    Iduntgetit  about 7 years ago

    Now he can write a book about it. “What Happened, Everybody But Me”

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  9. Forbear
    Qiset  about 7 years ago

    The Russian’s helping corrupt incompetents? That’s why Mueller should be investigating Hillary instead of President Trump.

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  10. 1959 chevy elcamino
    F-Flash  about 7 years ago

    That Putin is such a “Micro-Manager”, but his shrink told me that he’s getting better. So I said prove it, and so now Putin is going to give back Crimea. He says it would help if he could have Poland back. Such a baby! Nyncnk!!

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    guidojb  about 7 years ago

    Oh how the Liberals whine when that felon Hillary is alluded to. Not so funny anymore, is it?

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    rick92040  about 7 years ago

    It isn’t funny that another country swayed people into voting for whom they wanted elected. The sad thing is people were gullible enough to believe the fake news and still today believe it. I am a Republican and am mortified.

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    etivol  about 7 years ago

    I tried very hard to find a way to make this “Independent”…but no. I guess the popular vote doesn’t count, alas. Have a nice day Comrade.

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 7 years ago

    Nah. Not Putin. Probably the rest of the homeowners in your association said to themselves, “anyone who lives with that dumb Pig can’t be smart enough for our association!”

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 7 years ago

    What we have here is… failure to communicate.

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    Ragnar Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Blaming the Russians for losing an election? That has to be just about the most stupid, ridiculous excuse ever. It isn’t even funny, since good comedy carries a grain of truth. I mean, what kind of idiot would come up with that kind of excuse? Anyone who used that excuse in the real world would have to be the most incompetent, undeserving candidate in the whole wide world, and would be laughed off the political stage by everyone who had any sense.

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    ND Cool Z  about 6 years ago

    You better be putin’ on the Putin!

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  18. Big nateh
    Spring Fever Nate  almost 4 years ago


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