Translation, it’ll work out so don’t worry about it. I got this. Now for me personally I like Delray and Dana together. They really compliment each other. However, this is a difficult situation and a hard to know what to do. I really don’t want them to split but I don’t know.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 6 years ago
Last I heard there was a person who had their own private jet. I wonder who that was.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 6 years ago
Long distance relationships can be shortened by speed.
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
No, no, no…! Just walk away, Delray! She’s fast morphing into her mother!
Sportymonk over 6 years ago
She is trapped by her heritage that she cannot escape. It appears she is accepting it and living with it, maybe to do something positive.
mysterysciencefreezer over 6 years ago
Yay First World Problems!
LEOKEV over 6 years ago
Private jet or not, it’s still a 4 – 5 hr trip!
Mijo94 over 6 years ago
Translation, it’ll work out so don’t worry about it. I got this. Now for me personally I like Delray and Dana together. They really compliment each other. However, this is a difficult situation and a hard to know what to do. I really don’t want them to split but I don’t know.
mourdac Premium Member over 6 years ago
Or she could just buy the Chargers.
locake over 6 years ago
Why would she stay in Philly if she likes Ray? She can live in CA and fly back to see her mom several times a year.
Dragoncat over 6 years ago
She has a private jet with her name on it… Might as well put it to good use.
StoicLion1973 over 6 years ago
I know this is a comic strip but nothing about Ray’s relationship with Dana makes sense.