Are you sure this is how Skynet started? Or was it the universal use of the Ubick chip in every automated device? Its happened or will happen in many alternate universes maybe even ours. (Anthropogenic Global Warming will handle all our other problems including over population. It will help to kill off most humans and maybe all in the end with most of the life on this planet if we don’t adapt or fix it or both.) Just check out the end of the Permian.
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
but who would buy your house, Opal and Earl, that has a creepy, insensitive Delayza?
dadoctah over 6 years ago
Get the cat. She’ll make short work of this.
Baba27 over 6 years ago
Shut down the power. That’ll teach them. Of course, then you have to get along without power – but it should be worth it…
Little Caesar over 6 years ago
Bath time.
jagedlo over 6 years ago
Rise of the machines!
cubswin2016 over 6 years ago
Beware, the machines are taking over!
cmh1082 over 6 years ago
Better yet, open the door and let them roam around the country.
jpayne4040 over 6 years ago
Well, that’s a whole lot of money wasted…
dlkrueger33 over 6 years ago
In the strip “Drabble” today, they threw this POS out the window. FREE AT LAST!
Iron Pounder over 6 years ago
When the machines can make new machines, they will declare humans obsolete.
scpandich over 6 years ago
How did she get on the vacuum?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 6 years ago
Take her riding with you. I’m pretty sure she wants to stick her head out the window.
Linguist over 6 years ago
This looks like the beginning of a Tim Burton film.
rekam Premium Member over 6 years ago
Didn’t Sylvia, their daughter, give Delayza to them? Just give it back to her and say “No thanks.”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Are you sure this is how Skynet started? Or was it the universal use of the Ubick chip in every automated device? Its happened or will happen in many alternate universes maybe even ours. (Anthropogenic Global Warming will handle all our other problems including over population. It will help to kill off most humans and maybe all in the end with most of the life on this planet if we don’t adapt or fix it or both.) Just check out the end of the Permian.