Stephan made it clear that when he puts in a masked dirty word, that he uses exactly the same number of special characters as there were letters in the original intended word. He put in 13 special characters there, and I only know of one dirty word of that length; a form of it was on George Carlin’s original list of the 7 Words You Can Never Say On Television, one of the compound words, except that it ends in “ing” here instead of “er”.
That rice must have REALLY been steamed.
Later on, it will pick up some rice wine, drink heavily, and get fried.
The only possible response to this strip is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH LOL !!!!! Thanks for the Friday laugh. Good think I already finished my coffee.
BE THIS GUY almost 6 years ago
Let’s be honest, it’s bias against white…
B UTTONS almost 6 years ago
Pig must not like Texas as the Texas Long Grain wasn’t invited either.
juncarlo almost 6 years ago
I imagine that puffed rice has to have a big ego.
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
what party involves brown and basmati rices, Pig?
GeifuKe almost 6 years ago
Pig must be a racist. White rice was not invited—neither was Black Rice nor Purple Rice.
GeifuKe almost 6 years ago
Uncle Ben’s did rice poorly. Industry made rice a sticky issue. Not a good thing for the Asian market.
GeifuKe almost 6 years ago
Next, Pig is going to have a bread party. Steamed buns won’t be invited either.
GeifuKe almost 6 years ago
Pig forgot to invite everybody else whose last name is “Rice”.
PICTO almost 6 years ago
A nice rice whine for the party…?
Kind&Kinder almost 6 years ago
He seemed boiling mad to me! It all went against the grain for him!
the lost wizard almost 6 years ago
Better than that preachy Uncle Ben with his converted rice.
hariseldon59 almost 6 years ago
It’s not a party until the wild rice arrives.
Charlie Tuba almost 6 years ago
It looks like Stepan used the wrong “too” in the second panel.
DennisinSeattle almost 6 years ago
They are all going to get fried together.
Phil (full phname Philip Philop) almost 6 years ago
I like steamed rice.
Troglodyte almost 6 years ago
I badly want to make a pun on this, but can’t seem to rice to the occasion!
whahoppened almost 6 years ago
Variation of the old “How do you get steamed oysters?” “Make fun of their religion”.
Breadboard almost 6 years ago
Ah Rice …That’s nice …. Croc Power !
dlkrueger33 almost 6 years ago
Reminds me of an old joke. “What’s small, white and crawls up your leg?” —Answer: “Uncle Ben’s Perverted Rice”. LOL!
TossedSaladCartoon almost 6 years ago
To? Too?
mjb515 almost 6 years ago
So what is on the menu for this party?Sushi? Risotto? Pilaf?
Zebrastripes almost 6 years ago
He’s steamed alright…..throwing a hissy fit…
uniquename almost 6 years ago
Fried rice isn’t there cuz he couldn’t get out of bed.
Gent almost 6 years ago
Mr. Biriyani would like to have a word with you, Pig.
SunflowerGirl100 almost 6 years ago
Wild rice wasn’t invited either. I guess they feared it would be trouble.
garcoa almost 6 years ago
Your steamedness offends me.
william.flynn45 almost 6 years ago
Should have been “too.” Just sayin’
dshans almost 6 years ago
Wild rice is waiting in the wings tearing up the joint.
Popcorn almost 6 years ago
That steamed rice should “pilaf” it’s old personality,and chill
nosirrom almost 6 years ago
With all of the ricism in this strip I’m not surprised that that half-breed Rice-a-Roni wasn’t invited either.
Bohica Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Stephan made it clear that when he puts in a masked dirty word, that he uses exactly the same number of special characters as there were letters in the original intended word. He put in 13 special characters there, and I only know of one dirty word of that length; a form of it was on George Carlin’s original list of the 7 Words You Can Never Say On Television, one of the compound words, except that it ends in “ing” here instead of “er”.
That rice must have REALLY been steamed.
Later on, it will pick up some rice wine, drink heavily, and get fried.
BrentskiL almost 6 years ago
Must be a slow day to resort to rice jokes
chris_weaver almost 6 years ago
If steamed rice gets too out of control, he may get hauled off in a rice paddy wagon!
DCBakerEsq almost 6 years ago
No noodles?
Bookworm almost 6 years ago
The rice was steamed because it had been demoted from kernels to second lieutenants.
jless almost 6 years ago
Everything is bad for you Dept. :
Loopy Frogger Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The only possible response to this strip is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH LOL !!!!! Thanks for the Friday laugh. Good think I already finished my coffee.
darlabass almost 6 years ago
What no sake for goodness sakes?
Lablubber almost 6 years ago
Hey! Who let the vermicelli in? must be that bunch from San Francisco.
Len March almost 6 years ago
That kinda goes against the grain.
Keith Benbrook almost 6 years ago
it isn’t a party without wild rice
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Didn’t invite your girlfriend – Jasmine?
AndrewSihler almost 6 years ago
Isn’t “tantrum” a Sanskrit word meaning “half-overheard conversation”?
BOSFLASH almost 6 years ago
In the “R” rated version it’s steamy rice.
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
Sisyphos almost 6 years ago
Pretty low, Cartoon Middle-aged Guy, punning on rice and imputing to it the kinds of prejudice that bedevil humans and anthropomorphs….
Moonis about 2 years ago
my guesses for the swear words: motherf*cking and sh*t