Inflection is everything.
Duuuuuuuu-ude! Brutally Epic!
Guy 1: Dude?
Guy 2: Dude!
Guy 1: Dude!
[Off Guy 2’s shocked look]
Guy 1: Dude.
Guy 2: Well, I guess you’ve got a point there.
I’ll show you what brutal means said Dr. Lectaire.
I love the randomness of this strip!
August 09, 2014
Packratjohn Premium Member over 5 years ago
Inflection is everything.
Indianapolis Smith over 5 years ago
dougsathome over 5 years ago
Duuuuuuuu-ude! Brutally Epic!
David Rickard Premium Member over 5 years ago
Guy 1: Dude?
Guy 2: Dude!
Guy 1: Dude!
Guy 2: Dude!
Guy 1: Dude!
Guy 2: Dude!
Guy 1: Dude!
[Off Guy 2’s shocked look]
Guy 1: Dude.
Guy 2: Well, I guess you’ve got a point there.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
I’ll show you what brutal means said Dr. Lectaire.
bigplayray almost 5 years ago
I love the randomness of this strip!