Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for January 09, 2021
January 08, 2021
January 10, 2021
Maggie says, "Writing thank-yous is not some throwback to the last century." Twig says, "Maybe." Twig says, "But mailing them is!" fill out Stay in line wait to be called no complaining next window
Well, you can order your stamps online and drop your mail into a mailbox (or, if you’re not paranoid about people stealing your mail, you can put it in your own mailbox for pickup.) Despite everything, that still works.
I remember when there was a public mailbox every few blocks- I’d never have to walk more than a few hundred yards to find one. Now the nearest one is a half-mile away, at the Post Office, and as far as I know, is the only one in town! I still walk there (great exercise), but if I want to mail a package, I go to the local UPS store (also a half-mile away, in the other direction)—great exercise, and no line.
roof-top-view almost 4 years ago
Except now you have to stand 6 feet apart while in line which results in people standing outside of the PO.
listmom almost 4 years ago
Well, you can order your stamps online and drop your mail into a mailbox (or, if you’re not paranoid about people stealing your mail, you can put it in your own mailbox for pickup.) Despite everything, that still works.
RobertaPyle almost 4 years ago
We buy our stamps at the nearest Costco.
gammaguy almost 4 years ago
I remember when the mailman picked up your post, in addition to delivering it.
LeslieBark almost 4 years ago
I remember when there was a public mailbox every few blocks- I’d never have to walk more than a few hundred yards to find one. Now the nearest one is a half-mile away, at the Post Office, and as far as I know, is the only one in town! I still walk there (great exercise), but if I want to mail a package, I go to the local UPS store (also a half-mile away, in the other direction)—great exercise, and no line.