You would never know I’m retired – hate Mondays! I finally figured it out, though – workers return on Mondays and that is when sh*t is going to hit! :-)
That reminds me of the “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip where Calvin asked his mother when she’s going shopping, then he comes up to her while also wearing a football helmet and pillows tied around him while saying that they’re out of gun powder… only to get sent to his room by his mother.
codycab almost 5 years ago
Like we even needed to ask.
su43dipta almost 5 years ago
I came to work today dressed like that, too!
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
you’re sure well prepared, Garfield, for any misfortune Monday’ll bring upon you
comic4matt almost 5 years ago
Good enough a reason for me too…
rekam Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I can just picture Bucky in Get Fuzzy doing the same thing.
almost 5 years ago
Mondays are the absolute worst.
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
ah, got it!
TheGarfieldFan almost 5 years ago
Awwwww……So Cute!☆Gafield♡
tripwire45 almost 5 years ago
Yes, I’m feeling it, too.
wesleylscott1 almost 5 years ago
Wait for it, Garfield. SIDE IMPACT !!!!
David Henderson almost 5 years ago
I feel like I need a bomb suit on Mondays. I know how Garfield feels.
Bookworm almost 5 years ago
Being old and retired, Mondays don’t bother me as much as they used to. Stairs on the other hand . . . .
jpayne4040 almost 5 years ago
And Monday will still find a way to win!
nikpromo almost 5 years ago
Garfield is saying all that needs to be said about Mondays…..
A R V reader almost 5 years ago
Better safe than sorry.
Clarence almost 5 years ago
I thought Garfield didn’t have any problems in Monday (I’m talking about the 2020 Monday strips
InuYugiHakusho almost 5 years ago
You can never be too careful on a Monday.
karlykru Premium Member almost 5 years ago
You would never know I’m retired – hate Mondays! I finally figured it out, though – workers return on Mondays and that is when sh*t is going to hit! :-)
CaveCat87 almost 5 years ago
That reminds me of the “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip where Calvin asked his mother when she’s going shopping, then he comes up to her while also wearing a football helmet and pillows tied around him while saying that they’re out of gun powder… only to get sent to his room by his mother.
geese28 almost 5 years ago
Don’t forget the barracks and spiked fences too
Frankie5466 almost 5 years ago
I totally feel you Garfield old pal!
BJ40 almost 5 years ago
Well, it’s better to be safe, than sorry.
ekken almost 5 years ago
On mondays he gets hit by 17 buses
WCraft Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Conservative speaker going to Berkeley?
LordVoldemort almost 5 years ago
I need a suit like that.
cmxx almost 5 years ago
Because it’s now, and we have “interesting times” now.
rgcviper almost 5 years ago
I was ready for Garfield to say he was prepping for a Nap Attack. Haven’t seen one of those in years, come to think of it …
Vortexian almost 5 years ago
Yep, that a Monday alright
jm.rhee over 4 years ago
Looks like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes
Asriel over 2 years ago
I didn’t ask…?
jc010312 almost 2 years ago
Well that’s totally something we see everyday
Futuristic Calvin 10 months ago
This is similar to the Calvin and Hobbes strip for 1990/12/08