another minus or two would be not being able to get nourishment or even a trip to the toilet… he’ll have to get out of bed sooner or later (hopefully not a LONG “later”)
I had insomnia last night so I’m with you, Pig. Every morning, I trade wellness checks via email with an elderly cousin so I can’t really sleep in. This morning, I cut on my computer, replied to her email, then went back to bed for an hour. Didn’t go back to sleep, but it was a pleasantly lazy thing to do.
Don’t have to worry about nightmares ruining a good sleep
No TV in bedroom so can watch TV if get out of bed
Don’t have to put up with Rat dancing all over bed as I sleep
Personally, the plusses outweigh the minuses when their food not being made by Rat. Especially as he would need someone to bring him his meals in bed and RAT WON’T DO IT!
You’re absolutely right, Pig. —Just remember to turn off your phone, or take it off the hook (depending on your state of technology), because it is guaranteed otherwise to ring repeatedly while you try to sleep!
It could be possible to see Pig as an embodiment of a part of us that should be embraced like all the other zen things. Oh right the crocs. Don’t nag at Pig.. give him a little hug .
BE THIS GUY over 4 years ago
What responsibilities does Pig have?
B UTTONS over 4 years ago
Happiness IS
A pig-in-a-blanket.
Sherlock Watson over 4 years ago
So that’s what it’s like to be in Hog Heaven.
Yontrop over 4 years ago
I had to get up early this morning to take out the garbage. Not much other advantage. GoComics hadn’t even put up today’s comic yet.
Gary Fabian over 4 years ago
Pluzzez win…zzzzzzzzzzz
hariseldon59 over 4 years ago
Pig in a blanket.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
One plus he forgot – you get to go to the bathroom.
Concretionist over 4 years ago
+ Bed stays nice and dry
+ Breakfast!
Wilde Bill over 4 years ago
Pluses: The cats will stop clawing at my face after I feed them. I think that’s about it.
Bilan over 4 years ago
Pig missed a minus that comes after that last one, You get blamed for things you’re not responsible for.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
another minus or two would be not being able to get nourishment or even a trip to the toilet… he’ll have to get out of bed sooner or later (hopefully not a LONG “later”)
(nice to see y’all seeing my comments again)
javiercopi over 4 years ago
The voice of a generation
sparkle 13 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Hey, at least he woke up , right?!!! OK, maybe NOT SO MUCH these days….
kaylowe over 4 years ago
OK, talked me into it..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
everett_r0 over 4 years ago
If it were only that simple…
synp over 4 years ago
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago
I wish I could go back to sleep like that.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Everybody does that last panel from time to time ;-) … Croc Power !
dlkrueger33 over 4 years ago
Plusses: Toilet, TV, Treats.
Caldonia over 4 years ago
Pig is officially clinically depressed.
Reader over 4 years ago
Sleeping and breathing — the 2 activities that must be interrupted to be enjoyed.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Yeah! Me too! Zzzzzzzzzzzz
KeithRoman over 4 years ago
Pig doesn’t even have the added incentive of BACON for breakfast to get him out of bed, either. . . .
tripwire45 over 4 years ago
My granddaughter peeled me out of bed this morning to play with her. I’d consider that a plus.
Ermine Notyours over 4 years ago
Got up early for the first day of state parks opening. Checked the forecast to find the weather is worse than yesterday’s forecast.
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Pig has a lot on his mind.
ckeller over 4 years ago
I NEED to have this strip on a coffee cup. Unfortunately, looks like all I can buy from here are prints.
YorkGirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Oooooh, I know that feeling! Zzzzz
zeexenon over 4 years ago
My thoughts exactly, whatever needs to be done can wait till mañana.
pchemcat over 4 years ago
I’m with you, Pig.
marilynnbyerly over 4 years ago
I had insomnia last night so I’m with you, Pig. Every morning, I trade wellness checks via email with an elderly cousin so I can’t really sleep in. This morning, I cut on my computer, replied to her email, then went back to bed for an hour. Didn’t go back to sleep, but it was a pleasantly lazy thing to do.
knight1192a over 4 years ago
Able to have Breakfast period
Able to have Lunch period
Able to have Supper period
Able to use the bathroom
Don’t have to sleep in a wet bed
Box ‘o Happiness outdoors
Don’t have to worry about nightmares ruining a good sleep
No TV in bedroom so can watch TV if get out of bed
Don’t have to put up with Rat dancing all over bed as I sleep
Personally, the plusses outweigh the minuses when their food not being made by Rat. Especially as he would need someone to bring him his meals in bed and RAT WON’T DO IT!
NWdryad over 4 years ago
That is me every morning of my life.
the lost wizard over 4 years ago
Let me lay here for another hour and think it over.
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
JuJuSmith over 4 years ago
he looks cumfy
Cornelius Noodleman over 4 years ago
…Mom telling me to do my chores…
jal333 over 4 years ago
He makes me happy.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
You’re absolutely right, Pig. —Just remember to turn off your phone, or take it off the hook (depending on your state of technology), because it is guaranteed otherwise to ring repeatedly while you try to sleep!
kipeticolas over 4 years ago
It could be possible to see Pig as an embodiment of a part of us that should be embraced like all the other zen things. Oh right the crocs. Don’t nag at Pig.. give him a little hug .
we live we love we lie over 2 years ago
im with you pig