The problem with a legalistic approach to religion…define something as “shouldn’t”, and the human brain goes into overdrive to look for exceptions, loopholes, and cheats.
The better way is to ask yourself what will make you, and those around you, kinder, gentler, and happier. (Lent is intended to help you think about that, but it works just as well on any given day.)
This really has nothing to do with being Catholic, or even with religion as such. It’s the difference between living life as an adult, and living it as a child. Heart is fun to watch, but watch out for real people who actually live that that.
snarkm almost 14 years ago
You should have waited one more day Heart then EVERYTHING would have been legit, Sundays are exempt from Lent.
Destiny23 almost 14 years ago
Of course, if you’re not Catholic, you don’t have that problem…
peter0423 almost 14 years ago
The problem with a legalistic approach to religion…define something as “shouldn’t”, and the human brain goes into overdrive to look for exceptions, loopholes, and cheats.
The better way is to ask yourself what will make you, and those around you, kinder, gentler, and happier. (Lent is intended to help you think about that, but it works just as well on any given day.)
This really has nothing to do with being Catholic, or even with religion as such. It’s the difference between living life as an adult, and living it as a child. Heart is fun to watch, but watch out for real people who actually live that that.
TheDOCTOR almost 14 years ago
Heart could make a great lawyer one day.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago