Actually, pig’s statement makes more sense than Biden giving a speech. Translation: (Be right more.) He wants to be right more often than wrong. (then wrong) After being right most of the week, its ok to then be wrong, once. Makes perfect sense, once you understand Jive.
Actually, if Pig put a comma after the word “more”, then his sentence makes sense as written. Pig probably did misspell “than”, but it could have been a punctuation error. Goat is demonstrating limited thinking.
BE THIS GUY over 4 years ago
Pigs plan is to be right about things on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; THEN be wrong about some things on Thursday and Friday.
Sherlock Watson over 4 years ago
Pig has a long history of writing wrongs.
B UTTONS over 4 years ago
Pig’s goal was to be right at least twice, then he can be wrong.
e.g., hang out with Goat – stay in bed; then visit Rat for advice.
help other people – set goals; then visit Pastis.
Johnny Q Premium Member over 4 years ago
Unless he meant, “Be right more than wrong for a while, then be wrong more than right for a change!”
Concretionist over 4 years ago
I hate weeks that start out good and turn wrong. Much better to be rong first then rite.
Jacop✔️ over 4 years ago
Does anyone else suspect that pig is secretly smarter than he lets on?
RobertTerry over 4 years ago
Most millennial’s wouldn’t know the difference.
Gent over 4 years ago
Okay than.
Yontrop over 4 years ago
That should be, “…a long week.”
stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago
There is a big difference, Pig.
KevDoneIt over 4 years ago
Just to bug goat write “weak”
Kind&Kinder over 4 years ago
That was then, this is than!
blunebottle over 4 years ago
Since he wrote it long hand, he can’t even say “Darned auto-correct!”
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
i’d rather be left than right…
Qiset over 4 years ago
How about “be right more, then wrong someone”. Could be fun
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Then, Pig felt weak!
iggyman over 4 years ago
Pig, “Right On!” Come on Friday!
Ignatz Premium Member over 4 years ago
The correct response, Pig, is to say “That was an acceptable variant in the 1800s” and walk away like a boss.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Pig how can you be Right when you are left handed ? … Croc Power !
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Goat, you are such a grammar nazi.
wrd2255 over 4 years ago
Get a brian, moran!
dpatrickryan Premium Member over 4 years ago
Could be “then”, and the missing comma before it could make it accurate.
Markov Da Robot over 4 years ago
Ohhhhh yes. Such a long week.
1953Baby over 4 years ago
This is KNOW WEIGH to start a Munday morning. . .we’ll have Spell Checkers Anonymous on us in a trice. . .
Reader over 4 years ago
I’d rather have a taco than/then have some pizza -—— choose your preference.
uniquename over 4 years ago
Goal for the week: Survive.
Flynn White Premium Member over 4 years ago
This is similar to my goal: make 1 fewer mistake today then yesterday. Mistakes as judged by my wife.
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
It’s neither here, nor then,
serial232 over 4 years ago
Actually, pig’s statement makes more sense than Biden giving a speech. Translation: (Be right more.) He wants to be right more often than wrong. (then wrong) After being right most of the week, its ok to then be wrong, once. Makes perfect sense, once you understand Jive.
Jon Schutter over 4 years ago
will be long weak
ascha35-gocomics over 4 years ago
Or maybe there just should have been a comma after more.
DCBakerEsq over 4 years ago
I take great pride in being as wrong as humanely possbile.
Plumviper over 4 years ago
‘A’ long week. It will be ‘a’ long week
Minsky over 4 years ago
Is it wrong though?“Be right more. Then wrong.” seems like a realistic goal. :)
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 4 years ago
Maybe he was repeatedly right very early in the week, and THEN wrong.
Carl Rennhack Premium Member over 4 years ago
Misuse of THEN and THAN is the 2nd biggest error on Facebook. Biggest of all is misuse of “YOU’RE” and “YOUR”!
ChukLitl Premium Member over 4 years ago
He had it right. Then it went wrong.
NaturLvr over 4 years ago
Right or wrong, at least try to be kind.
rlaker22j over 4 years ago
tell that to the protesters should get there ast together, losing the momentum
Ralph Newbill over 4 years ago
He needs a comma after ‘more’!
Chris Sherlock over 4 years ago
We all have the right to be wrong.
T Smith over 4 years ago
Be right more, then wrong.
There, fixed it.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Good for Goat! Gotta keep Pig on his toes (so to speak)!
What a week!
zeexenon over 4 years ago
Kibitzer’s die! Advantage, Dolly Parton.
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 4 years ago
At least you got a language lesson out of this, Pig. Nowhere to go but up. Premium Member over 4 years ago
My pet peeve as a professor…big difference between “then” and “than.”
Semolina Pilchard over 4 years ago
Unless Pig’s goal was to be right before being wrong, in which case he was right (and can now feel free to be wrong!)
Ray over 4 years ago
Actually, if Pig put a comma after the word “more”, then his sentence makes sense as written. Pig probably did misspell “than”, but it could have been a punctuation error. Goat is demonstrating limited thinking.
mahnster over 4 years ago
First be right, THEN be wrong.
PatrickK.Pastor over 4 years ago
I’m a registered Democrat, so I’m always left.