(Sigh!) As I too have a nice Fruit Salad in the frig. I think it will make a refreshing lunch. While my roast, potatoes, and onions cook and gives me a wonderful dinner! ;)
Oh, Jon… cats are pure carnivores. They need meat in their diets to stay healthy and survive. That salad might be good for humans, but of limited value for cats.
Clarence over 4 years ago
Wait till Jon reacts to it
codycab over 4 years ago
Gross! SALAD?!
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
good try, Jon
Imagine over 4 years ago
Seems like a fair trade.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
(Sigh!) As I too have a nice Fruit Salad in the frig. I think it will make a refreshing lunch. While my roast, potatoes, and onions cook and gives me a wonderful dinner! ;)
E.S.K. over 4 years ago
Maybe it’s not a total loss. There could be some bacon bits in that salad.
BJ40 over 4 years ago
Jon hits Garfield with a wet lettuce, Garfield give Jon the ol’ heave ho.
Kwen over 4 years ago
Fair enough… Jon got away lightly with such an offense!
Gent over 4 years ago
What part of “cats are obligate carnivores” don’t you get, Jon?
jagedlo over 4 years ago
reminds me of last night’s dinner, we had the “make your own” like they do at salad buffets…
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
How utterly cruel of you, Jon!
LordVoldemort over 4 years ago
You think he would’ve learned by now…
VegaAlopex over 4 years ago
Do hairballs have any calories?
BigDaveGlass over 4 years ago
Is nil by mouth, if you don’t want it, I’ll have the salad
hariseldon59 over 4 years ago
The Big Salad. Seinfeld reference.
Nate with a Hose over 4 years ago
Jon did deserve it
SusieB over 4 years ago
Maybe it was tuna salad
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Par for the course…..
Grace Premium Member over 4 years ago
Now now, Garfield it might be shrimp salad or chicken salad…
Mediatech over 4 years ago
It’s the thought that counts.
CaveCat87 over 4 years ago
Maybe Garfield will change his tune once he sees that the salad has bacon bits, or maybe even pieces of steak.
bobgreenwade over 4 years ago
Oh, Jon… cats are pure carnivores. They need meat in their diets to stay healthy and survive. That salad might be good for humans, but of limited value for cats.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
paullp Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’m surprised Garfield would cough up a hair ball. Doesn’t that require effort?
✨♕EmperorFTW ɎT!♕✨ over 4 years ago
Salad is tasty, depending on what salad you are talking about. I like Olive Garden Salad.
nikpromo over 4 years ago
JON, this is what happens when Garfield is not getting Lasagna……
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
No, it was a catnip salad.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
I’m sure that salad will be safe in the frig.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 4 years ago
Garfield’s idea of eating healthy is blowing the powder sugar off of his doughnut.
AustinKniga-Bartlett over 4 years ago
An eye for an eye, pal. An eye for an eye.
Comicgeek about 4 years ago
What is this Sa-Lad?