Obviously if there is a talking white elephant in the room, it is best to ignore it. You don’t want to be the first person in the group to claim they see a white elephant in the room!
Nothing wrong with having an imaginary friend. Every religious person has one. Some actually have three imaginary friends. Kate must be Hindu based on her imaginary friend.
Interesting, isn’t it, that Lucy is a full-fleshed, in color imaginary frined, while Stella is . . .not. . .wonder if that difference is meant to be symbolic. . .somehow. . .of the difference between Danae’s and Kate’s imaginations. . .do I want to think this deeply today?
willispate over 4 years ago
I think we’ve seen that imaginary friend before, only by another name.
in.amongst over 4 years ago
Dad, just put ’em on your returns and get more tax credits.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
I like Stella! But… she needs a nice colorful tutu! Just my opinion! ;)
The Old Wolf over 4 years ago
Stella reminds me strongly of BingBong.
Bilan over 4 years ago
I’d like to know when Jill is going to figure out that Danae is the antithesis of herself.
franki_g over 4 years ago
“This is my house and I’ll talk as much as I want to!”-Stella
Wonder if Kate’s head can stage Streetcar named Desire with an all-elephant cast?
dcdete. over 4 years ago
Obviously if there is a talking white elephant in the room, it is best to ignore it. You don’t want to be the first person in the group to claim they see a white elephant in the room!
lars_doyle over 4 years ago
Nothing wrong with having an imaginary friend. Every religious person has one. Some actually have three imaginary friends. Kate must be Hindu based on her imaginary friend.
1953Baby over 4 years ago
Interesting, isn’t it, that Lucy is a full-fleshed, in color imaginary frined, while Stella is . . .not. . .wonder if that difference is meant to be symbolic. . .somehow. . .of the difference between Danae’s and Kate’s imaginations. . .do I want to think this deeply today?
bjs327 over 4 years ago
Nice change. Danae usually gets tagged with the fanciful adventures while Kate is depicted as the level-headed one.
bbenoit over 4 years ago
Reminds me of the Star Trek episode “The Enemy Within”.
Nyckname over 4 years ago
Just before the vacation, I’d been wondering what happened to Jill.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
I wonder if imaginary friends are real?
johndifool over 4 years ago
STELLA! [/Seinfeld]
DCBakerEsq over 4 years ago
My imaginary friend isn’t imaginary. She’s inflatable.
thelordthygod666 over 4 years ago
Once there was a boy named Donald. All of his friends were imaginary because no real person ever wanted to be his friend.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Parenting involves remembering imaginary friends because they are reflections of your child’s state of mind.
mwksix over 4 years ago
I had no idea that Kate was in A Streetcar Named Desire…
spaced man spliff over 4 years ago
Over time, those “imaginary friends” become “the voices in your head”.
keenanthelibrarian over 4 years ago
Danae being reasonable?? Wha …?
Thehag over 4 years ago
I like Stella!
bakana over 4 years ago
Stella was inherited from Dad’s drinking days.
It took her Months to shampoo all the Pink off.