Brevity by Dan Thompson for October 01, 2020

  1. Jmao9763
    mddshubby2005  about 4 years ago

    “So, are you gonna help me get my gold fiddle back or not? That Johnny kid is a swindling frontman, I tell you!”

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  2. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  about 4 years ago

    RIP Charlie Daniels.

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  3. Missing large
    jpayne4040  about 4 years ago

    Nice one!

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I demon to see my lawyer.

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  5. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  about 4 years ago

    As a long-time Georgia resident: this is true.

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  6. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  about 4 years ago

    If he owned Hell and Georgia, he’d live in the former and rent out the latter.

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  7. Img 1561
    Zebrastripes  about 4 years ago

    You would think he would be used to the heat by now……LOL

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  8. My comic avatar
    NoSleepTil_BKLYN  about 4 years ago


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  9. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 4 years ago

    He’d right at home in socal right now.

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  10. Nomagram
    COL Crash  about 4 years ago

    It’s not the heat so much as the humidity.

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  11. Missing large
    Display  about 4 years ago

    Stayed long enough to get into politics and form a trendy group. Left when the weather and politics both got too swampy.

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  12. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  about 4 years ago

    Story I heard some Januaries ago told of a Georgia farmer who had not lived a virtuous life, so his destination when it ended was as expected. He loved it. “It’s just like a day in May on my farm in Georgia!” So the Devil turned the heat up and the farmer was even happier. “It’s just like a day in August on my farm in Georgia!” “OK,” thought the Devil, if that’s what he likes …" and turned the heat way down. It was so cold the flames froze solid. “Hallelujah!” cried the farmer, ecstatically. “The Falcons are going to the Super Bowl!”

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  13. Bdwithbigk
    wknehans  about 4 years ago

    Nice musical two-fer! Most folks will recognize the Charlie Daniels reference, but only jazz aficionados will get the “Too Darn Hot” shtick.

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