For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for June 12, 2011

  1. Missing large
    EarlWash  over 13 years ago

    My kid did that once…ONCE!

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  2. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I still do that, and I’m 30. I’ll get the laundry done at 7pm, but won’t fold it till 12am when I have to go to bed! LOL

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    dorothyo  over 13 years ago

    what happen to For better or for Worse in my inbox I was getting it regular seperately why was it take away from me why would I opay monthly for comics I sign up for and never get

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  4. Pretty.
    PNmom06  over 13 years ago

    Permanent solution to this behavior problem: YOU clean the kid’s room – and put all his favorite items in the attic – he has to EARN each one back, starting with his LEAST favorite – by keeping his room spotless for a week per toy. Thank you, John Rosemond!

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    ilsapadu  over 13 years ago


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  6. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago

    My 8 year old and I just spent 2 weeks thoroughly cleaning her room (in between errands and swim lessons and everything else). I told her that this is the last time that I will help her clean her room, and that she needs to work on it every day, and that if it gets out of control again, I will pick up whatever is out and keep it. Not quite John Rosemond, but I don’t have the time, space or energy for some of his ideas. If this doesn’t work, that’ll be my next step…

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  7. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 13 years ago

    She’s completely oblivious!

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  8. 000k051uhgz
    ina_phillips  over 13 years ago

    kids all go thow that at some time in life.

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  9. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    I only had one of 4 children who never went through that phase and alwaws wanted his “part of the room” spotless even if brothers would not control their mess. He has continued to be sucessful in everything and has been making huge salaries even from college on, while getting married to a sweet lovely girl who has a career in between their 2 children. I’m proud of all my kids, but especially the 2 sons who are still married after decades and doing well with their families.

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  10. Colorful cookie
    Selenaswift2000/10  over 13 years ago

    if there hadn’t been any whining (highly unlikely) it would’ve taken 10 minutes

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