Questionable Quotebook by Sam Hepburn for October 11, 2020

  1. Sam profilepic
    Sam Hepburn creator about 4 years ago

    Six months into lockdown and I can no longer see my living room floor…

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  2. Missing large
    Khatkhattu Premium Member about 4 years ago

    My place is always like that, who needs a lockdown?

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  3. Marco pantani logo clr3
    rip_marco  about 4 years ago

    Woo hoo! Not even 0330 MDT and I learned something new (the meaning of “tip”). With a start like this, it should be a great day (for a change).

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  4. Calvins
    Algolei I  about 4 years ago

    Be it ever so humble….

    Okay, look: I’ll wear the dress, but those slippers do NOT go with it AT ALL.

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