‘May-Bee Jones’ was a bit of a tell. But Cobra saying to her, “I’m Rip’s type. Me.” last week had convinced me that this was all just another Brainzo illusion.
This is the third time Rip has woken from a Brainzo-induced fever dream.
Here’s hoping he can find a way to bust free .. or that those Skull agents return to the island from their coffee break, and manage to do it for him.
I’m actually kind of liking this story line. RIp is going to have to do a little mental work to beat Brainzo which we haven’t seen him do before. I’m looking forward to that.
Rip lives in a world where God and the Devil are both clearly ex machina. Obeying the rules of such a world is impossible because the rules cannot be determined by observation. At least not by observation as we understand it. Below the apparently wrinkled, smooth, rough, pliant, stiff surface of the “reality” Rip negotiates is the incomprehensible chaos that no mask can fully hide. If experience teaches us anything, it’s that everything’s an illusion — even the notion that everything’s an illusion.
Love Rip’s “squeak by” remark in the second panel. Very funny, very clever. XD Even if it’s a letdown that the adventure was just an illusion created by Brainzo, I’m still enjoying this comic. No matter what, I will always enjoy reading Rip Haywire.
I had my suspicions with the “pirate queen”, as that happened in the previous timeline. Rip would remember it, even though it didn’t happen in the reboot.
Come on! Don’t you get it ? This is the classic " it was a dream " storyline done Groundhog Day style as a parody . I love this comic because it can be subtle or hit you over the head and your are never sure which is coming.
flashdrive1988 about 4 years ago
Rip, you should give Brainzo a KA-giggle.
helm! about 4 years ago
a resounding…. TOLD YOU!!! Hahahahahhaha it WAS Brainzo after all…
cdward about 4 years ago
Chithing Premium Member about 4 years ago
Well, crap.
WoodstockJack about 4 years ago
droosan Premium Member about 4 years ago
‘May-Bee Jones’ was a bit of a tell. But Cobra saying to her, “I’m Rip’s type. Me.” last week had convinced me that this was all just another Brainzo illusion.
This is the third time Rip has woken from a Brainzo-induced fever dream.
Here’s hoping he can find a way to bust free .. or that those Skull agents return to the island from their coffee break, and manage to do it for him.
bartwell7 about 4 years ago
Leave Dan Alone…We have all enjoyed this strip for years, and I for one, hope it never ends!!! Tell the Story You’re way Dan, we will keep reading.
Gent about 4 years ago
Dang. This again? Throw this alien back into the vast vacuum voids of outer space already.
StoicLion1973 about 4 years ago
Well, this is getting tiresome.
WilliamVollmer about 4 years ago
Rip realizes he’s still in the Holodeck. Is Brainzo getting some kind of kick “torturing” Rip this way?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 4 years ago
Thinkingblade about 4 years ago
I’m actually kind of liking this story line. RIp is going to have to do a little mental work to beat Brainzo which we haven’t seen him do before. I’m looking forward to that.
WaltWenger Premium Member about 4 years ago
Rip lives in a world where God and the Devil are both clearly ex machina. Obeying the rules of such a world is impossible because the rules cannot be determined by observation. At least not by observation as we understand it. Below the apparently wrinkled, smooth, rough, pliant, stiff surface of the “reality” Rip negotiates is the incomprehensible chaos that no mask can fully hide. If experience teaches us anything, it’s that everything’s an illusion — even the notion that everything’s an illusion.
tad1 about 4 years ago
tad1 about 4 years ago
Love Rip’s “squeak by” remark in the second panel. Very funny, very clever. XD Even if it’s a letdown that the adventure was just an illusion created by Brainzo, I’m still enjoying this comic. No matter what, I will always enjoy reading Rip Haywire.
Brian Premium Member about 4 years ago
I had my suspicions with the “pirate queen”, as that happened in the previous timeline. Rip would remember it, even though it didn’t happen in the reboot.
Strider Keninginne Premium Member about 4 years ago
Jean Luc-Picard called, he wants the Holodeck back on the Enterprise, Brainzo.
Daeder about 4 years ago
Brainzo has trapped Rip on the holodeck of the Enterprise!
CharlesRenner1 about 4 years ago
Come on! Don’t you get it ? This is the classic " it was a dream " storyline done Groundhog Day style as a parody . I love this comic because it can be subtle or hit you over the head and your are never sure which is coming.
Wichita1.0 about 4 years ago
That Holodeck feeling…
bytebot-gocomics about 4 years ago
ByteBot’s last post for a few weeks: Stephan Pastis delivers a much needed dose of self-awareness for me.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
Now it looks like a holographic board and he was fooled.