One time I was in a meeting in San Francisco, my wife wanted to visit her cousin, but she lived north of Market, when she came back to get me, she kept going around in circles, she could not figure how to get across Market. Fortunately we had call phones, and I was able to tell her what street to get on, to cross Market, we did not have a GPS at the time.
allen@home almost 4 years ago
This is why when ever i go somewhere that i haven’t been to before. I carry a trusty map.
Ubintold almost 4 years ago
I usually map the trip out before I leave.
J Short almost 4 years ago
I experienced this same thing in Costa Rica, except it was in Spanish.
backyardcowboy almost 4 years ago
The turnaround sounds like a lot of runaround.
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
Are the characters being drawn a little differently,or is it me?
Scott S almost 4 years ago
I keep a charger in the glove compartment.
I also keep a Garmin in the car.
BearsDown Premium Member almost 4 years ago
If you substitute roundabout for turnaround, these are the directions to get from Cadillac to Traverse City.
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Take a left where the old hot dog stand used to be.
Nope. Can’t thayah from heeah.
admiree2 almost 4 years ago
Y’all can’t get yonder from here. Y’all hafta to go yonder to get there from yonder there.
Perkycat almost 4 years ago
I’m okay with those directions, it’s when they throw in North, South, East and West that they lose me!
COL Crash almost 4 years ago
I really feel sorry for those poor folks without a basic sense of direction.
There’s a lot of them out there.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 4 years ago
Stop for a moment to check out the Paul Bunyan statue.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Makes perfect sense to me!
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
Just ask directions as far as the next helpful guy.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
FAMOUS LAST WORDS. “Directions? We don’t need no stinkin’ directions.”
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Quote from the old timer in “Funny Farm:” You can’t get there from here!
bike2sac almost 4 years ago
One time I was in a meeting in San Francisco, my wife wanted to visit her cousin, but she lived north of Market, when she came back to get me, she kept going around in circles, she could not figure how to get across Market. Fortunately we had call phones, and I was able to tell her what street to get on, to cross Market, we did not have a GPS at the time.