World Mosquito Day. Now why in the world would anyone make a holiday “celebrating” the pesky mosquito? We’ve been really lucky here because I have not been bothered much by mosquitoes at all this year and I’ve been spending a LOT of time outside. Flies, on the other hand, have been abundant here.
As I posted previously, real cats in really high trees often got down safe & sound on their own, while the humans were doing all sorts of things to “rescue” them.
I wonder how he got down.Today is adoption day for the fosters. I hope they all get new homes.There was an inquiry from a woman who wants a ‘calm’ kittens’. Dr S asked me what the kittens personality is.I said typical kitten – run, play, wrestle, pass out, start all over. If I had to choose one that was more sedate than the the others, it would be the orange one, but not by much. And, even if any kitten is calm at Petco, once they get home things will change.
just received this message from him on Facebook:.Andrew Pilcher.1 hr · Public · Well, this is odd. I’m currently in the cardiac unit of Eastbourne hospital, and everyone’s trying to work out if I had a heart attack last night. More news when I get it, but just to reassure everyone I’m ok right now.
I’m sure he and his Mrs. would love to receive many more well wishes from the TEN CAT community.
ƹʅɗʘ “In a Capp Shul” ɗ’ʘraɗʘ saw the defect about 23 hours ago
! That new pic [screenshot] wo’nt blow-up REEL gud for some reason . . .[?!?]
My “postage stamp” shots don’t blow up to full size when sent from my current comp the way they would from the old one. I may just import it over there and reset my “stamp”. There must be a way to get it right from this one but am stumped as to how to do it. My “stamp” put-ups always worked good off the old rig, no finagling required.
At pcolli. I was doing a bad take on the Outer Limits when I happen to coincide with yer telly program. Interesting bio on it.
More_Cats_Than_Sense over 3 years ago
It’s That Friday Feline Again!
ITFFAV!#4 – Sound
ITFFAV!#5 – Sound
Bonus Friday Golden Retrievers!!
BFGRV!!#1 – Sound
Bonus Friday Bunnies!!
LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Phew…Ollie is safe. Now don’t ever climb up there again! I’m too old for the tension.
LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Better late than…its now 11:20, wonder what happened?
DennisinSeattle over 3 years ago
Jack, you need to interview this clever survivor. Story 1 is over.
laughingkitty over 3 years ago
This made me LOL.
laughingkitty over 3 years ago
How did Oliver do that? Did one of the birdies fly him out of the nest?
laughingkitty over 3 years ago
Today is:
National Radio Day
National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
World Mosquito Day. Now why in the world would anyone make a holiday “celebrating” the pesky mosquito? We’ve been really lucky here because I have not been bothered much by mosquitoes at all this year and I’ve been spending a LOT of time outside. Flies, on the other hand, have been abundant here.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 3 years ago
Do not adjust your set !
gadenbaby (aka LadyKat) over 3 years ago
Yay! Oliver has landed safe and sound! Now we just have to wait for Jack and Annie to notice.
WDemBlk Premium Member over 3 years ago
As I posted previously, real cats in really high trees often got down safe & sound on their own, while the humans were doing all sorts of things to “rescue” them.
diskus Premium Member over 3 years ago
Three Stooges
Popcorn over 3 years ago
Just like when everyone thought Barney Fife was locked in the banks vault!! Lol
Queen of America over 3 years ago
I wonder how he got down.Today is adoption day for the fosters. I hope they all get new homes.There was an inquiry from a woman who wants a ‘calm’ kittens’. Dr S asked me what the kittens personality is.I said typical kitten – run, play, wrestle, pass out, start all over. If I had to choose one that was more sedate than the the others, it would be the orange one, but not by much. And, even if any kitten is calm at Petco, once they get home things will change.
darcyandsimon over 3 years ago
As we all know, cats don’t stay stuck in trees. Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree? (from…somewhere. I doubt there’s a real attribution)
Perkycat over 3 years ago
We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.
daleandkristen over 3 years ago
For you who are fans of SMITH by Andrew Pilcher,
just received this message from him on Facebook:.Andrew Pilcher.1 hr · Public · Well, this is odd. I’m currently in the cardiac unit of Eastbourne hospital, and everyone’s trying to work out if I had a heart attack last night. More news when I get it, but just to reassure everyone I’m ok right now.
I’m sure he and his Mrs. would love to receive many more well wishes from the TEN CAT community.
daleandkristen over 3 years ago
Who gets the birthday cake reserved for our lil Ollie’s arrival at LaughingKitty? Wait, there already IS an Oliver in residence!
LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I just got an Amber Alert for a gold Chevy Tahoe w/ WA plates and 6 & 8 year olds. Fingers crossed the authorities find them.
daleandkristen over 3 years ago
Theory : is THIS how it was done? thanks, Wheeler..
jessegooddoggy over 3 years ago
Our poor Annie has so many frightful moments with this brood.
tad1 over 3 years ago
Hooray, Oliver got down safely! On another note, saw six rabbits and a downy woodpecker while out walking today.
tad1 over 3 years ago
Great pictures today. :)
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 3 years ago
ƹʅɗʘ “In a Capp Shul” ɗ’ʘraɗʘ saw the defect about 23 hours ago
! That new pic [screenshot] wo’nt blow-up REEL gud for some reason . . .[?!?]
My “postage stamp” shots don’t blow up to full size when sent from my current comp the way they would from the old one. I may just import it over there and reset my “stamp”. There must be a way to get it right from this one but am stumped as to how to do it. My “stamp” put-ups always worked good off the old rig, no finagling required.
At pcolli. I was doing a bad take on the Outer Limits when I happen to coincide with yer telly program. Interesting bio on it.