Marigold could get up while keeping her back level. But how do humans get up without turning into walking chairs?
I used to keep dowels in my room so that when I was struck and stuck by a cat, I could knock the remote control off the bed and drag it to my chair, or roll over a bottle of water. When I drank the water, that led to another issue that was not so easily solved.
Sugar Bombs 95 over 3 years ago
I know Marigold is saying “dark magic”, but the way the text is written makes it look like “dork magic”.
codycab over 3 years ago
As an owner of a spoiled cat, I can relate to this.
Antiyonder over 3 years ago
Thought one day is already now.
But that’s their strength I suppose. That many humans and evidently Unicorns are unsuspecting.
Averagemoe over 3 years ago
Dark magic? I thought it was some sort of parasite.
overtherainbow over 3 years ago
YES! We always had to get someone else to move the cat—you couldn’t do it yourself. Dark magic indeed! Dark, fluffy, purring and adorable.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
and people in northeastern Africa revered felines as deities
Jungle Empress over 3 years ago
This is really accurate.
Kwen over 3 years ago
That’s it. Cuteness overload.
iggyman over 3 years ago
Marigold’s words in the last panel are so true when it comes to some cats!
nickword over 3 years ago
i, for one, welcome our new feline overlords
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I would love to live in a future ruled by cats♡.
WaitingMan over 3 years ago
“Gladys! Destroyer of Worlds!” Has a good ring to it.
mistie710 over 3 years ago
They call it dark magic. I call it YouTube!
Firestar over 3 years ago
I hear you. But that’s a, not o, so nice try. Gladys is so cute! :3
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Eh. You probably didn’t have places to be anyway.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 3 years ago
In my family we called that having a wart.
“I can’t get up. I have a wart in my lap.”
Ed The Red Premium Member over 3 years ago
The medical term is feline paralysis. Fortunately, it’s a temporary condition.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 3 years ago
I, for one, welcome our new feline overlords.
The Wolf In Your Midst over 3 years ago
A sleeping cat exerts a force of gravity three times its mass.
amaneaux over 3 years ago
Do not taunt the Happy Fun Furball.
Wichita1.0 over 3 years ago
“One day”? Think about it.
gcottay over 3 years ago
Future overlord?
Ermine Notyours over 3 years ago
Marigold could get up while keeping her back level. But how do humans get up without turning into walking chairs?
I used to keep dowels in my room so that when I was struck and stuck by a cat, I could knock the remote control off the bed and drag it to my chair, or roll over a bottle of water. When I drank the water, that led to another issue that was not so easily solved.
LrdSlvrhnd over 3 years ago
“One day”? Have you looked at the internet lately, Marigold?
Ninette over 3 years ago
The term isn’t dark magic.
Ƭσxιc﨔 over 3 years ago
Actually, a type of cat being cute and wanting to rule the world is Garfield.
NyahNyahNyah over 3 years ago
Once a cat goes to sleep on me, whether it’s my lap or my back, it’s a sure sign that I’ll be asleep pretty soon, too!
jerrica.benton333 over 3 years ago
i used to have a cat… :(
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 6 months ago
I thought cats already WERE our overlords! :P