Sometimes it works to approach problems as opportunities. Sometimes not.
Sometimes it works to view unexpected circumstances as adventures. Sometimes not.
Sometimes it helps to find the element of fun in the job that must be to be done. Sometimes a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Sometimes not.
You know, this rarely happens in the men’s rest room. Except when Dave came back after a long weekend of microwave burritos and cheese dip. We all learned a lot that day. Especially Dave.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Boss should have more opportunities to shut his mouth and to listen to his employees.
Its just me over 3 years ago
Foot in mouth disease.
pschearer Premium Member over 3 years ago
To quote one of my former managers, “Oh, #$%&, another opportunity!”
Doug K over 3 years ago
Sometimes it works to approach problems as opportunities. Sometimes not.
Sometimes it works to view unexpected circumstances as adventures. Sometimes not.
Sometimes it helps to find the element of fun in the job that must be to be done. Sometimes a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Sometimes not.
Doug Taylor Premium Member over 3 years ago
Sometimes a problem is just a problem.
Pickled Pete over 3 years ago
Sometimes an overflowing toilet is just shitty..
FassEddie over 3 years ago
You know, this rarely happens in the men’s rest room. Except when Dave came back after a long weekend of microwave burritos and cheese dip. We all learned a lot that day. Especially Dave.