I had friends back in college who were the grounds crew for a major league baseball team. They said they would spend hours working on the pitcher’s mound to get it just right – for every game. We’re talking within an inch all around, plus the texture. It had to pass the muster of Tom Seaver, who was very OCD demanding on those things.
Both today and yesterday I couldn’t help noticing how wrong the mound looks. The need to make the drawing in two dimensions instead of three really did Sparky no favors on this one.
Monster Martin (King Comic Reviewer) over 2 years ago
ronaldspence over 2 years ago
just get more dirt CB!
Ryan B Premium Member over 2 years ago
Charlie’s next words: “Good grief”
bluram over 2 years ago
They better hurry up, Spring Training starts on the 17th. GO LA DODGERS
sugordon over 2 years ago
At least Chuck seems to be commanding authority here. I like how they all snap to it when he orders them to put back his dirt. Even Lucy obeys him.
jaydogg187 over 2 years ago
I like how even Lucy shrinks in the wake of Charlie Brown’s anger.
bigcatbusiness over 2 years ago
Well, he almost got it. Too bad CB can’t see he can be a real boss when he tries.
Darryl Heine over 2 years ago
What a mess!
jagedlo over 2 years ago
You can take comfort that at least they listened to you and returned the dirt…
Decepticomic over 2 years ago
I’m just surprised that any of them were willing to do what he asked.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
At least they brought it back.
JudithStocker Premium Member over 2 years ago
So glad to see Charlie Brown speak up even though his words are not respected.
uniquename over 2 years ago
Pigpen could have restored it with no help.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 2 years ago
for once charlie takes a firm stand and people listen! YaY Charles Brown
A.Ficionada over 2 years ago
It looks more like a cockroach mound :0
geese28 over 2 years ago
If it helps you win the season then….
coreym5 over 2 years ago
Where’s the World Famous Groundskeeper when you need him?
dv1093 over 2 years ago
I had friends back in college who were the grounds crew for a major league baseball team. They said they would spend hours working on the pitcher’s mound to get it just right – for every game. We’re talking within an inch all around, plus the texture. It had to pass the muster of Tom Seaver, who was very OCD demanding on those things.
Save Linus over 2 years ago
He should stand up for himself in situations away from the pitcher’s mound too.
John Jorgensen over 2 years ago
Both today and yesterday I couldn’t help noticing how wrong the mound looks. The need to make the drawing in two dimensions instead of three really did Sparky no favors on this one. over 2 years ago
A rare moment of decisiveness from Ol’ Chuck.
Smooth it out with the Zamboni.
cmxx over 2 years ago
C’mon, Charlie Brown—you really thought an ad hoc committee could do a good job?
this is summerdog over 2 years ago
King of his mountain.
VMB! over 2 years ago
At least they tried!
David Rickard Premium Member over 2 years ago
Oh well, Chuck… you’ll always have misty water-color memories of the way it was.
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 2 years ago
NOW they listen to their manager.
hagarthehorrible over 2 years ago
Good grief Charlie, at least the team has sprung into action after the grunting by rhe captain. That’s a huge improvement.