I did that this afternoon. No fire starter. Just your standard cylinder with the holes in it, some pine cones, two 1-pages of the newspaper, and some wax paper. The light wasn’t perfect because the charcoal was from last year. My burgers didn’t get burnt, and they didn’t taste like chemicals. Yeah, me.
I recommend to you this “Wapsi Square” comic – http://wapsisquare.com/comic/getting-his-attention/
Note that Shelly already has the {cartoon-type} signs of having survived an Event in the first panel.
{It is worth noting that by this point in the continuity Shelly is essentially indestructible… Comes of having a sphinx for grandmother and a Titan for a mother.}
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
sure, Roger
marilynnbyerly over 2 years ago
I did that this afternoon. No fire starter. Just your standard cylinder with the holes in it, some pine cones, two 1-pages of the newspaper, and some wax paper. The light wasn’t perfect because the charcoal was from last year. My burgers didn’t get burnt, and they didn’t taste like chemicals. Yeah, me.
C over 2 years ago
Looks like the time I used liquid oxygen to start /melt the grill
Grumpy Old Guy over 2 years ago
Hank Hill would not approve….
Concretionist over 2 years ago
Foxtrot and Crankshaft appear to share some themes.
AFFICIONADO over 2 years ago
Roger must be related to Crankshaft :o)
ChristineFoxdale over 2 years ago
Seems to explain why Roger doesn’t have eyebrows.
Imagine over 2 years ago
Probably took out another satellite, too.
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
Global warming wins again!
Doug K over 2 years ago
When it sits out in the sun or when the engine is still warm, I don’t have to prime the lawn mower to get it started.
Kroykali over 2 years ago
Today’s classic FoxTrot Sunday strip:
Ichabod Ferguson over 2 years ago
There will always be some petroleum distillates that evaporate before burning. Great stuff to breathe in and taste on your food.
chris_o42 over 2 years ago
Better call Fire Marshall Bill!
SquidGamerGal over 2 years ago
Uhh… When was the last time Roger used the grill?
A R V reader over 2 years ago
Would you call that self lighting charcoal?
Amra Leo over 2 years ago
Where’s the FOOM? I love a good FOOM!
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 2 years ago
Yeah, that’s the ticket, Jon Lovitz.
A_Dilophosaurus over 2 years ago
Isn’t this a rerun?
poppacapsmokeblower over 2 years ago
Any one else notice the comic above Foxtrot caught fire?
txmystic over 2 years ago
This was literally me last night…
BiggerNate91 over 2 years ago
We need to keep track of how many fire beacons Roger has made with that grill.
mindjob over 2 years ago
Every summer we hear that BBQ foods are loaded with carcinogens and bad for us, but that doesn’t stop us from eating them
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
If he squirts so much starter on well after it’s started and the fire goes up to the second floor of their house, then this is my neighbor.
JPuzzleWhiz over 2 years ago
Why doesn’t Roger just get a gas grill?
phlash over 2 years ago
Propane is for N00bs
6turtle9 over 2 years ago
A gas grill is to bbq’ing what a microwave is to cooking. Some will just never get it.
rgcviper over 2 years ago
Whoa! I bet that grill fire was visible from space …
WCraft Premium Member over 2 years ago
Reminds me of my first time with a charcoal grill – all of our meat ended up tasting like starter fluid!
gfredrickson85 over 2 years ago
I think the ISS saw it.
tarnrider over 2 years ago
i know a few blacksmiths and bladesmiths that would love that rocket engine he is firing up.
ktrabbit over 2 years ago
fairportfan over 2 years ago
I recommend to you this “Wapsi Square” comic – http://wapsisquare.com/comic/getting-his-attention/
Note that Shelly already has the {cartoon-type} signs of having survived an Event in the first panel.
{It is worth noting that by this point in the continuity Shelly is essentially indestructible… Comes of having a sphinx for grandmother and a Titan for a mother.}
The following pages are fun, too.
William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago
Probably from his experiment trying to make smores on a grill.
megafan over 2 years ago
At this point the goverment should wenponize Rodger Fox.
Tallguy over 2 years ago
“My kite!”
Stranger things fan over 2 years ago
He just has to a few coles and a few squirts!!
Mat Pat almost 2 years ago
The Ancients would have liked that as a beacon at night