You would think…….that ‘Calvin’ would have learned to consider what he says about ‘Hobbes’ before he says them but……then again were dealing with a 6-year old ! ! !
I don’t wonder how the bullies who made my wife hell at school (this one: slept at night, as the answer is obvious; they were psychopaths.
They certainly displayed no evidence of having a conscience.
BE THIS GUY over 2 years ago
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover over 2 years ago
Now both are asleep.
codycab over 2 years ago
Attacking a kid that’s screwy in the head is tiring work.
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
you had to say it, Calvin, in order to provoke Hobbes
leopardglily over 2 years ago
This one’s new to me! And I thought I had seen them all.
Imagine over 2 years ago
Actually, even better than that.
Concretionist over 2 years ago
One of my favorites!
Bilan over 2 years ago
Pouncing on smart aleck little boys really does give you peace of mind.
sandpiper over 2 years ago
In every cat there is a Hobbes. But they control it.
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
Imagine if today’s strip was animated for TV.
Boggles the mind!!
Unless Hanna/Barbera was handling it!!
rentier over 2 years ago
A love excess.
'IndyMan' over 2 years ago
You would think…….that ‘Calvin’ would have learned to consider what he says about ‘Hobbes’ before he says them but……then again were dealing with a 6-year old ! ! !
guenette.charlie(BozoKnows) over 2 years ago
It’s hard to believe (or maybe not) that Calvin just can’t learn to let sleeping tigers lie.
dflak over 2 years ago
There are two kinds of people who sleep well at night: those with a clear conscience and those with no conscience at all.
chuckcork1 over 2 years ago
I don’t wonder how the bullies who made my wife hell at school (this one: slept at night, as the answer is obvious; they were psychopaths.
They certainly displayed no evidence of having a conscience.
uniquename over 2 years ago
Different kind of conscience.
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
Never wake a sleeping Kat……LOL
A Hip loving Canadian... over 2 years ago
A clear conscience is a terrible thing to waste.
Lee26 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Yep…..cats look soooooooo innocent when sleeping. They got that cute little smile thing going, too.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Tigers don’t care about laws or even justice. All they care about is having what they need, now. Sometimes, they need a nap.
Daltongang Premium Member over 2 years ago
Calvin, you may soon learn why Tigers sometimes eat their young.
TSRaman over 2 years ago
Where did Calvin go? Inside Hobbes?
klapre over 2 years ago
I love the expressive drawings. You can just hear him stretch.
carlzr over 2 years ago
Almost a study by Edward Muybridge.
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
Beats Jiminy Cricket.
hagarthehorrible over 2 years ago
The feline has his own ways of answering insinuations.
mindjob over 2 years ago
I’m surprised Hobbes never grabbed Calvin by the throat, jumped into a tree and ate him.
kathleenhicks62 over 2 years ago
Getting ready to pounce and the last one falling asleep are the best.
locake over 2 years ago
Hobbes would not be bothered by his conscious. He never does anything bad. Calvin does bad things all the time.
g04922 over 2 years ago
Gotta love Hobbes….
wiley207 over 2 years ago
Awww, the way Hobbes yawns reminds me of how the cat my family used to have yawned in a similar way. Sometimes he’d meow while yawning.
car2ner over 2 years ago
never mind the gag. I love love love the way that tiger is drawn!
BC in NC Premium Member over 2 years ago
To sleep, perchance to pounce.
FrannieL Premium Member over 2 years ago
Hobbes is the very best cat.
ekw555 over 2 years ago
let sleeping tigers lie.
edeloriea14 over 2 years ago
Hobbes can also attack Calvin if doesn’t get enough sleep.
briggs.roy078 over 2 years ago
Git ’im Hobbsey!
donwestonmysteries over 2 years ago
Hence, the slogan, let sleeping tigers lie.