Yeah, my kids driving from Dublin to Cork, a bit over 2 hours. I’d say how far we have to go and then 5 minutes later they’d ask are we there yet. All the way…
One of my cats would do the feline equivalent for entire trips. I used to get well over 100 meows per hour. I only took on her necessary trips like when moving house.
Ratkin Premium Member over 2 years ago
Pull over, I have to pee
Algolei I over 2 years ago
And some deep sea specialists think there may be aliens on Mars.
We should probably stick with getting information from specialists who stay in their fields.
chuckcork1 over 2 years ago
Yeah, my kids driving from Dublin to Cork, a bit over 2 hours. I’d say how far we have to go and then 5 minutes later they’d ask are we there yet. All the way…
[Traveler] Premium Member over 2 years ago
Here’s a strip full of aliens and they’re trying to keep their existence a secret?
Jeff0811 over 2 years ago
Agent X sure seems to be under a lot of pressure.
Lee26 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Brewster’s brain is an ANCIENT alien artifact.
mistercatworks over 2 years ago
I would have invited him to go outside and check.
One of my cats would do the feline equivalent for entire trips. I used to get well over 100 meows per hour. I only took on her necessary trips like when moving house.
Calvins Brother over 2 years ago
“Quit hogging the seat.”
Buckeye67 over 2 years ago
Agent X forgot to bring along some comic books for Brewster.
cuzinron47 over 2 years ago
What was agent X thinking?!
[Unnamed Reader - c91c61] over 2 years ago
When my no-longer-little-ones used to ask, “Are we there yet?” I always said “Yes, get out.”, but for some reason they never believed me.
bakana over 2 years ago
What was that Astronomer doing, pointing his telescope at the bottom of the Ocean?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 2 years ago
Things are going swimmingly.