Pickles by Brian Crane for January 02, 2023

  1. Jsorb
    ʲᔆ  almost 2 years ago

    60 to 0 in three seconds flat

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 2 years ago

    Wise words in the second panel.

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  3. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  almost 2 years ago

    I imagine he’s a hoot on his birthday.

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    Olov Sundin  almost 2 years ago

    That’s a good one. I have always wonder what New Year means.

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    PraiseofFolly  almost 2 years ago

    My father-in-law is like Earl in some ways. He’s wise in an earthy way, not having had much formal education. After a really unrestrained Huck Finn childhood, he took many opportunities to learn useful skills such that he has greatly helped many people at work and in our families. (He went all over the world in the Navy.) He builds things and can repair almost everything. After retirement he took up carving as a hobby and has hundreds of creative small figures that he often sells at crafts shows.

    My son is lucky to know such an interesting person, as I myself am bland and boring, very bookish and a homebody. My own grandparents seemed so old and foreign I was never really comfortable around them, even shrank away from them, and I’m sorry for it now. They all came from “the Old Country,” and had hard lives, and unfortunately I distanced myself from hearing their life stories. If I could only back and change that!

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    crabbyred  almost 2 years ago

    Can’t picture Earl and confetti in the same picture.

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  7. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  almost 2 years ago

    But as a comic strip character, he never really ages.

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    jagedlo  almost 2 years ago

    So Earl was able to find a chiropractor on New Year’s Eve? https://www.gocomics.com/pickles/2022/12/31?ct=v&cti=2208697

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  9. Pecos bill
    pathfinder  almost 2 years ago

    Where do they live? Warm weather and leaves on tree in background on New Years Day?

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    brick10  almost 2 years ago

    Not really confetti; just your tattered hopes and dreams from the last year.

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    goboboyd  almost 2 years ago

    But its the festive glittery stuff. (Probably not biodegradable.)

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    JudithStocker Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Never think about the past, Earl. It ages some people.

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  13. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Earl, it’s not about the length of the life you live, it’s about how you live the length of your life.

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    Zebrastripes  almost 2 years ago

    Times flies…..‼️☹️

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  15. Ek at joes
    geneking7320  almost 2 years ago

    I turned 68 in 2022. This reminds me of when one of my close friends [of the same age] said we have more years behind us than in front of us.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Yup.. be able to add a whole new chapter when his biography is written.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  almost 2 years ago

    Can’t tell if this is supposed to be poignant or ridiculous.

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    tiomax  almost 2 years ago

    “One year less of my future and one year more of my past” is true for everyone, regardless of their age.

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    mckeonfuneralhomebx  almost 2 years ago

    It terrific to see a New Year come in… look at the alternative!

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    Komix Lover  almost 2 years ago

    I’m trying to find a social group in my retirement. So far, the ones I’ve tried have constant complainers: burned in their love life, political issues, health problems… I guess my complaint is complaining about complainers.

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  21. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  almost 2 years ago

    Confetti and glitter are so hard to get out of good shearling slippers.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 2 years ago

    It means I have made it 18 years further than I had been told to expect.

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  23. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  almost 2 years ago

    Well, kid, you could be turning 80 this year like I might.

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  24. Death from above reduced size
    donwestonmysteries  almost 2 years ago

    At least you had a party.

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  25. Animal triangle
    ANIMAL  almost 2 years ago

    Wow – sounds like he had a really WILD NIGHT.!!

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    Buckeye67  almost 2 years ago

    That confetti has probably been in his slippers for many years.

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    pbr50138  almost 2 years ago

    I know what you mean Earl. One day closer to the end…

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