Gary Varvel for January 05, 2023

  1. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  over 1 year ago

    Donkey speaks the truth!

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  2. Picture
    ChristopherBurns  over 1 year ago

    The difference between the first 7 panels and the 8th is that all the first ones are actaul things that should have been investigated while the 8th isn’t really a thing, is it.

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  3. Pat new 150
    Patjade  over 1 year ago

    For once, Varvel gets it right.

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  4. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  over 1 year ago

    Now, it wouldn’t be a good idea to mention what DJT was actually impeached for, would it?

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Varvel actually believes that His Messiah’s attempt to extort Ukraine was a perfect phone call.

    And the violent attempt to overthrow the government of the United States was a perfectly normal function of a losing president and was totally unworthy of investigation, not to mention enforcing any laws.


    And the Trump ‘family business’ has been convicted of being a crime family business. Varvel is, of course, perfectly comfortable with a crime family because: It’s OKAY If A Republican Does It.


    Varvel greatly admires all Trump and Republican efforts to obstruct justice.

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  6. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Strange that he left out 1/6. Meanwhile, Kevinertia is keeping any Elefinks from holding the gavel.

    Looking forward to two years of all circuses, no bread.

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    admiree2  over 1 year ago

    The Dems can only be accused of wasting time if they believed that the “jury” was rigged to the extent that it was. Regardless, an historical record had to be created so that those in the future know how corrupt one man given power, with a minority of the popular vote, could be and the extent he would go to try to keep that power.

    The future USA will know how fragile our government was, the sickness that has spread in the country and the willingness of the ignorant to drink more of the kool-aid. The 118th Congress now has its chickens coming home to roost. The only silver lining is that they will be highly dysfunctional and unable to do anything for two years.

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    DC Swamp  over 1 year ago

    The DC Swamp thrives on endless investigations. It builds up stature whilst in the swamp, then the resume afterwards. Kinzinger got himself a deal with CNN, where’s Liz gonna sign up?

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    DrDon1  over 1 year ago

    Is Payne providing Varvel with “ideas?” [ Or is it ‘MT’ Greene or L. Boebart? ]

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  10. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  over 1 year ago

    Proving a negative is very difficult even when the folks watching the proof believe in reality and logic. Which is certainly NOT the case here.

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  11. Triumph
    Daeder  over 1 year ago

    This is a very accurate cartoon.

    There is no joke here, it’s just a drawing of plain reality.

    P.S. Don’t feed the trolls. (Hint: DC Swamp is a troll.)

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    2AndFour  over 1 year ago

    0 wins and 7 loses for Democrats. They got nothing on Trump.

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    DrDon1  over 1 year ago

    ^ How many elections has the Head MAGAt ( and COVID Denier-in-Chief ) lost?

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    The GQP is being jeered by Democrats for their to date baseless claims about Presidential malfeasance present on this device. They are complaining that a House investigation will be a senseless misuse of time and resources at a high dollar amount — but particularly the waste of time.

    When the investigation begins and subpoena’s are served, Gary Varvel and the rest of RWNJ World will have legitimate reason to sling your $h!t at Joe Biden et al if he/they refuse to appear before the future investigative committee goofbrain Rethug House leaders are certain to convene.

    Until then the $h!t you all are slinging has left the shovel but hangs in the wind. I expect most if not all of it to run into a headwind coming your direction, and to coat you with it from all your stupid heads to your collective rancid toes.

    Not that any of you will ever acknowledge this occurs. No, you’ll all just go silent on the subject, like this is fake news, as if it never even occurred. The way y’all have with Benghazi.

    Wait. You’re probably even more likely to start another Democrats Are Pedophiles rumor on the dark web and then schedule hearings to investigate that!

    And then, while you all are covered with the fecal matter which blows back and covers you as a result of that looming fiasco, it’ll be early summer before the ‘24 election — and the public onslaught of the slew of calculated, deliberate disinformation you’ll have for RWNJ “media” and interwebz talkie influencers to flood our nation with.

    Legitimate media needs to warn America about this in May or June or whenever 2024. Highway signs and TV/internet warnings that read SEWAGE ALERT! must be placed for the wellbeing of our population and our republic (well, at minimum SEWAGE ALERT ought to be posted every time, in the space just above every one of your stupid ‘toon’s [which is every one I’ve ever seen], anywhere they are published).

    I don’t want your stupid toon’s banished anywhere. I don’t want you silenced.

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    red6235  over 1 year ago

    Each and every one of those was a violation of law and our constitution. Guilty on all charges, but let off by republicans each and every time. COWARDS & TRAITORS

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