Or, start with a goal of what you want, then subpoena ‘testimony’ to support your claims. If necessary, lead a ‘witness’ round and round the mulberry bush with confounding wording until s/he gives what sound like contradictory answers, then if all else fails, you can come back with charges of the witness having lied under oath. If an accused continually insists on their innocence, charge him/her with obstruction.
One must not make generalizations about lawyers. There are honorable, responsible lawyers and there are shysters. To know which is which check out their defendants, listen to how fast they talk, and how much s/he waves his hands everywhere.
saobadao almost 2 years ago
No such power. Everyone just refuses to comply.
soundcomm almost 2 years ago
…at the “Supers” pub!
rasputin's horoscope almost 2 years ago
The cocktail parasol is a nice touch.
shanen0 almost 2 years ago
Not a superpower unless he can speed it up. The way they work now, the subpoena is worth an extra year or two of delay.
sandpiper almost 2 years ago
Question is, does he have the strength to follow through or will he just sit and study the qualities of his drink?
wi3leong Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The one in green has the radioactive symbol with the colors reversed.
PraiseofFolly almost 2 years ago
It’s about as practical as a soup sub sandwich, these days.
dot-the-I almost 2 years ago
Sitting with back to the door betokens true confidence in one’s Dominant Power.
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Super Shyster
GreenT267 almost 2 years ago
But, I thought super heroes did it for free!
Owhatadoc Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Best of all…NO CAPE, dahling.
goboboyd almost 2 years ago
Then he is – Super-Poena! – when he’s not mild mannered Subpoena.
Radish... almost 2 years ago
Gym Jordan ignores subpoenas, everyone should ignore his.
proclusstudent almost 2 years ago
Notice the outside world (thru the door) is closed.
Cerabooge almost 2 years ago
Out of the frame, The Boys are having a drink.
Diat60 almost 2 years ago
When and why did the practice of umbrellas in drinks start? The only practical use I can think of is serving a drink outside in a sandstorm.
jader3rd almost 2 years ago
Not really. The Trump crime family ignores subpoenas.
russef almost 2 years ago
To all Pibgorn followers. Today there is only one thing to say. WANDA!!
mindjob almost 2 years ago
“You say you can leap tall buildings at a single bound? I don’t think so, buddy”
Holden Awn almost 2 years ago
Or, start with a goal of what you want, then subpoena ‘testimony’ to support your claims. If necessary, lead a ‘witness’ round and round the mulberry bush with confounding wording until s/he gives what sound like contradictory answers, then if all else fails, you can come back with charges of the witness having lied under oath. If an accused continually insists on their innocence, charge him/her with obstruction.
Bill The Nuke almost 2 years ago
Crush him now! almost 2 years ago
Diogenes has been looking for an honest lawyer for a long time.No luck yet.
librarylady59 almost 2 years ago
One must not make generalizations about lawyers. There are honorable, responsible lawyers and there are shysters. To know which is which check out their defendants, listen to how fast they talk, and how much s/he waves his hands everywhere.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Love the costumes!
ta4031982 almost 2 years ago
Lawyer man ?
sisterea almost 2 years ago
Yeah subpoena power in the hands of power crazed fools ie house republicans, yea Gym
Another Take almost 2 years ago
As if any big wigs pay attention to subpoenas. Pretty useless power I’d say.
leemorse9777 almost 2 years ago
Doesn’t seem like subpoena’s have much power or affect. At least on republicans.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 2 years ago
In some worlds it is American Empire Superman with the Objectivist Spider-Man and Night-Gaunt plus others including Dark Jester and Springheel Jack.
Vet Premium Member almost 2 years ago
His nemesis is The Fifth Man.
alanoodle almost 2 years ago
. . . and power of attorney.
jvscanlan Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Exactly what Jim Jordan thinks of himself
keenanthelibrarian almost 2 years ago
Beware and be afraid. Be very afraid.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
jbruins84341 almost 2 years ago
“No capes!”