I hope people were super charitable back then, because it might be hard for the girls to buy anything. “I’ll have the ten cent mutton dinner, please. Do you take Cash App? Venmo? Mastercard? How about a good old-fashioned coin from the 21st century with a picture of a guy who hasn’t been born yet?”
One of my theater nieces has always particularly fascinated me because she looks like my grandmother must have at her age, except for a century of changing fashions.
They’ll be fine until a passerby stops and says to them, “What manner of raiment is csst upon these ragamuffins? Perhaps some sort of Tom Foolery abounds!”
Johnny Q Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I doubt they smelled as good…
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray almost 2 years ago
Carnival time !
Dirty Dragon almost 2 years ago
Presuming Ida landed them in 1863, all we know so far is that they’re in, er…. “the North”.
Skeezix's Birth Father almost 2 years ago
I hope people were super charitable back then, because it might be hard for the girls to buy anything. “I’ll have the ten cent mutton dinner, please. Do you take Cash App? Venmo? Mastercard? How about a good old-fashioned coin from the 21st century with a picture of a guy who hasn’t been born yet?”
iggyman almost 2 years ago
Different era Ladies!
therese_callahan2002 almost 2 years ago
Cue a classic Depeche Mode song.
Trespassers W almost 2 years ago
Yes, people are people. The kids should stay there and grow up enjoying all the rights, freedoms and privileges of being women in the 19th century!
ajr58(1) almost 2 years ago
Too bad more people today lack that attitude when looking at folks who are different from them.
TracyFan 65 almost 2 years ago
We will have to assume the people in 1863 can’t see them!
SofaKing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I’m surprised we don’t see Joel and Rufus. almost 2 years ago
I think Scancarelli will have a lot of imagination at work for the art in this arc.
Lincoln said “The world will little note nor long remember what is said here”—-but people DO remember the Gettysburg speech.
gcarlson almost 2 years ago
One of my theater nieces has always particularly fascinated me because she looks like my grandmother must have at her age, except for a century of changing fashions.
BlitzMcD almost 2 years ago
They’ll be fine until a passerby stops and says to them, “What manner of raiment is csst upon these ragamuffins? Perhaps some sort of Tom Foolery abounds!”