I do the mowing at my house. If I do the entire lawn, Mr. Fitbit tells me I walk 6.3 miles.
I usually save the fenced in part for a second day. The acres and acres (OK fraction of an acre) outside the fence merely requires walking back and forth.
Inside I have to move all the lawn furniture and pick up the dog poop. Then there is the matter that there are NO straight paths. My backyard has the contours of a well-gerrymandered congressional district.
Gotta do that this am. Always look forward to it because I can look forward to seeing a job finished. Getting harder to do stuff on my own but still like yard stuff.
Only ‘service’ we use is for leaf removal, i.e., 2/3’s acre with a dozen 80’ oaks means at least one service gets 3 month’s employment every fall. Many are ok, but still looking for one that doesn’t trample the flower beds and blow shallow rooted plants out of the ground. You’d think the blowers were bulldozers the way they are used. Not a big improvement over raking and bagging but jet-engine loud.
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 1 year ago
It seems there is a connection between this cartoon and today’ s Marmaduke-
C over 1 year ago
Never seen a married woman cutting grass. Ever.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 1 year ago
Run over his feet.
PraiseofFolly over 1 year ago
Is that mower a Toro? It doesn’t matador who cuts the grass, as long as it gets done.
dflak over 1 year ago
I do the mowing at my house. If I do the entire lawn, Mr. Fitbit tells me I walk 6.3 miles.
I usually save the fenced in part for a second day. The acres and acres (OK fraction of an acre) outside the fence merely requires walking back and forth.
Inside I have to move all the lawn furniture and pick up the dog poop. Then there is the matter that there are NO straight paths. My backyard has the contours of a well-gerrymandered congressional district.
sandpiper over 1 year ago
Gotta do that this am. Always look forward to it because I can look forward to seeing a job finished. Getting harder to do stuff on my own but still like yard stuff.
Only ‘service’ we use is for leaf removal, i.e., 2/3’s acre with a dozen 80’ oaks means at least one service gets 3 month’s employment every fall. Many are ok, but still looking for one that doesn’t trample the flower beds and blow shallow rooted plants out of the ground. You’d think the blowers were bulldozers the way they are used. Not a big improvement over raking and bagging but jet-engine loud.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 1 year ago
Toes are easier to cut than grass. Show him!!
guy42 over 1 year ago
Wow, Herman and Marmaduke have the same bullfighting theme today.
The Bruce Dickinson over 1 year ago
Must be a Toro
mindjob over 1 year ago
Somebody else cuts our lawn. We have enough to do redesigning the landscape
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 1 year ago
Funny….that is funny, Ole!
Frank Burns Eats Worms over 1 year ago
cbs1947 over 1 year ago
Must be a Toro lawn mower
PaulGoes over 1 year ago
If he keeps that up, his a$$ is grass
DawnQuinn1 over 1 year ago
Obviously you and I have never met. I always gut mine.