Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for September 01, 2023

  1. Al the fish cup
    alasko  over 1 year ago

    It’s a condo, not a house.

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  2. Orion95
    Jml58  over 1 year ago

    A dream house can esayly turn into a nightmare.

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  3. Seabee 02
    1504jarvis  over 1 year ago

    How long before Janis figures out that she won’t have her garden?

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    Alias1600  over 1 year ago

    Arlo just returned from a place that was new to him, understood and enjoyed everything, and started the discussion about moving there.

    In real life, do big talkers do this stuff because they have anxiety about the actual planning and execution, and want someone else to handle that?

    Are they only day dreaming out loud and think others enjoy being toyed with?

    Do they enjoy the control of building up other’s hopes then dashing them?

    Combo of all? Or something else?

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    JessieRandySmithJr.  over 1 year ago

    My niece and her husband lived in a condo for one year. Couldn’t wait to get out, no privacy.

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  6. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Or, you could learn the numbers of an electrician and plumber.

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    david_42  over 1 year ago

    Reminded me to replace one of the light bulbs in the kitchen. Had a CFL that went purple.

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    flagmichael  over 1 year ago

    Interesting timing! I’ve wondered why our 8×12 foot guest room is so hard to heat and cool. A few days ago it dawned on me that, as a last minute add-on, the ceiling may not have insulation. Sure enough… and yesterday when it was in the low 80s outside the attic in that area was 124F. I now have the insulation but trying to thread my ancient body to that area and put the insulation in where I have no hope of reaching without pole… well, maybe in a few days – when I am no longer 70 years old – I will be able to do it. Well after the sun goes down or early in the morning, of course.

    DIY is great but there are limits. I’ve never poured concrete and hope never to. Ditto roofing. Money may be tight but never that tight.

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    BJDucer  over 1 year ago

    Arlo, it doesn’t take much to change a light bulb or fix a dripping faucet. In the very worst scenario, you’d have to put a new light switch in…and I know throughout the years, you’re handy enough to do that!

    Now I do agree, moving is a hassle. I once moved 7 times in 10 years. It takes a while getting used to a new neighborhood and developing new set of friends, favorite stores and restaurants.

    Pro moving tip here: Wen you move, put the TV remote in your car’s glove department! You won’t have to hunt for it through all the moving boxes when you get to your new place!

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    KEA  over 1 year ago

    It’s been my experience that every house has some oddity that provokes a “What were they thinking?!?” exclamation.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Stand your ground Arlo!

    You won’t like moving to the new place.

    Janis will hate the first tropical storm she has to go through.
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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 1 year ago

    Go ahead, Arlo. Fulfill her dreams yet again.

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    eced52  over 1 year ago

    Home is where the heart is, and it isn’t in a house, but the one you share the house with.

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    raybarb44  over 1 year ago

    The decision is already made, just clearing up some minor details…..

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    Bill The Nuke  over 1 year ago

    Why not fix everything? Just one thing a day.

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    crazeekatlady  over 1 year ago

    I have a switch and a kitchen faucet that do the same

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 1 year ago

    You think that’s bad? Try a new used car, just one year newer than your older car, and EVERYTHING HAS BEEN CHANGED!!! Whew! I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to get that out. It’s driving me crazy(er)!

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    jmarkow11  over 1 year ago

    It’ll be perfect as long as they’re together in it

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