Almost surely, fire was first stolen from (forest fire / the gods) and kept going as a sacred duty for … millennia … before anybody figured out how to start a fire from scratch (or stick rubbing, or stick spinning or even pumping a plunger in a bamboo joint, so I’ve heard).
“Those little green guys got tired of seeing us eat raw meat, and violated something called a “Non-Interference Directive.” By the way, they are delicious roasted — here, try some.”
This is a funny comic but it is also a question that most people have (ir if they are the least bit curious) should have asked about the origin if “things”. Thanks again Mr. Deering for funny with a message!
Casava roots need to be processed in a specific way or they will produce cyanide and kill you. If you get it almost right you, after a few weeks of a steady diet of it, get a paralytic disease. If you get it just right, you get tapioca.
When I first read this as a kid all I could think was; “How many people died to figure that out and why did they keep trying?”.
Concretionist about 1 year ago
Almost surely, fire was first stolen from (forest fire / the gods) and kept going as a sacred duty for … millennia … before anybody figured out how to start a fire from scratch (or stick rubbing, or stick spinning or even pumping a plunger in a bamboo joint, so I’ve heard).
Charliegirl Premium Member about 1 year ago
If your life is usually boring, and you live in prehistoric ties, you’ll just eventually stumble into accidently running two sticks together.,
The Reader Premium Member about 1 year ago
I was trying to decide which one to use to bonk you on the head.
PraiseofFolly about 1 year ago
“Those little green guys got tired of seeing us eat raw meat, and violated something called a “Non-Interference Directive.” By the way, they are delicious roasted — here, try some.”
Huckleberry Hiroshima about 1 year ago
“Just nervous energy I guess. Let’s try jamming your ugly freakin’ face in it now, smart a$$.”
waknoch about 1 year ago
ladykat about 1 year ago
Oh, I was just thinking of something else. I didn’t do it on purpose.
Cerabooge about 1 year ago
Friction fire, an immensely impactful invention.
rmremail about 1 year ago
“I thought I had invented the drill. But it turns out wood won’t make holes in wood”
DM2860 about 1 year ago
I had “Uptown Funk” going through my head.
BoydAdams about 1 year ago
This is a funny comic but it is also a question that most people have (ir if they are the least bit curious) should have asked about the origin if “things”. Thanks again Mr. Deering for funny with a message!
dflak about 1 year ago
And that’s the report, live from Flint and now back to the studio.
Gameguy49 Premium Member about 1 year ago
Do trees in the forest, that have crossed branches that rub together, set themselves alight?
wouldchuck47 about 1 year ago
Which brings to mind, who discovered that nitroglycerin was good medicine for a heart attack and why?
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 1 year ago
“We’ll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere, and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.”
PoodleGroomer about 1 year ago
THis was the big reason that most boys never became Eagle Scouts.
Stephen Gilberg about 1 year ago
joegee about 1 year ago
Casava roots need to be processed in a specific way or they will produce cyanide and kill you. If you get it almost right you, after a few weeks of a steady diet of it, get a paralytic disease. If you get it just right, you get tapioca.
When I first read this as a kid all I could think was; “How many people died to figure that out and why did they keep trying?”.
Frank Burns Eats Worms about 1 year ago
What are you doing up so early, man?
not my real name Premium Member about 1 year ago
After he invented the wheel, he wondered what would happen if he turned a stick around and around?
Mike Baldwin creator about 1 year ago
We’d all still be freezing if it wasn’t for the obsessive compulsives.
goboboyd about 1 year ago
He got tired of beating himself on the head with a rock, so he thought he’d try something different.