I lived at home and took the bus to college back in the day. At 4:00 when it was time to come home I usually had to wait for two or three busses before I could get on one due to the crowd. Those college kids were rude as he11 – no line, it was the biggest who pushed into the bus first.
I took the bus into Manhattan every day to go to college, always had to stand. But it was a nickel cheaper than taking the train. “It’s no shame to be poor, but it’s no great honor.”(Tevye)
This is why Jesus said the meek shall inherit the Earth, we don’t have entitled expectations. We’re used to adapting, constantly, when the world lets us down or puts us through yet another wringer. Yes Abby, I’m calling you entitled. Rule of thumb for people who depend on the bus, expect it to be late and plan accordingly.
Some of our Metro Bus Stops have electronic updates. That way you know the bus may come in less than 30 minutes, hopefully. 5 busses for one route passed me before the first bus for the route I needed came. I only waited 40 minutes for a bus that is supposed to come every 20 minutes. But on the plus side, it wasn’t crowded!
Ubintold 7 months ago
Learning….the hard way.
dv1093 7 months ago
I lived at home and took the bus to college back in the day. At 4:00 when it was time to come home I usually had to wait for two or three busses before I could get on one due to the crowd. Those college kids were rude as he11 – no line, it was the biggest who pushed into the bus first.
goboboyd 7 months ago
You generally don’t want a bus to be early.
mountainclimber 7 months ago
I took the bus into Manhattan every day to go to college, always had to stand. But it was a nickel cheaper than taking the train. “It’s no shame to be poor, but it’s no great honor.”(Tevye)
mikenassour Premium Member 7 months ago
This is absolute truth in Austin Texas!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 7 months ago
This is why Jesus said the meek shall inherit the Earth, we don’t have entitled expectations. We’re used to adapting, constantly, when the world lets us down or puts us through yet another wringer. Yes Abby, I’m calling you entitled. Rule of thumb for people who depend on the bus, expect it to be late and plan accordingly.
EMGULS79 7 months ago
Yep, that’s the main reason I haven’t used the bus system since 1979. Too unpredictable and too much time wasted waiting for them to show up!
metagalaxy1970 7 months ago
Plants and trees need the co2 to live.
crazeekatlady 7 months ago
Some of our Metro Bus Stops have electronic updates. That way you know the bus may come in less than 30 minutes, hopefully. 5 busses for one route passed me before the first bus for the route I needed came. I only waited 40 minutes for a bus that is supposed to come every 20 minutes. But on the plus side, it wasn’t crowded!
catmom1360 7 months ago
Sounds like my city’s bus schedule.