Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for September 08, 2024
September 07, 2024
September 09, 2024
? "DAD! What are you doing?" "Trying to decide which mouth-watering leftover I want for a snack." "You were letting out all the cold air." Think about global warming!" "OK. OK." "Sometimes I'd like to strangle Al Gore."
I’m not sure about strangling him but hit JET puts out a lot of hot air and other bad stuff. He doesn’t seem to take his own advice.
Now, I really don’t mind him having a jet to fly around in. (Just don’t tell me I have to sell my gas car and get an EV) I, too, would love to have one so that I could fly and see my grandkids more often.
Funny story: years ago my cousin, a commercial pilot, was stopped for speeding on a rural road. The cop said: “OK buddy, let’s see your pilot’s licence!” So, he showed him … and actually got off with a warning.
David in Webb Premium Member 3 months ago
I’m not sure about strangling him but hit JET puts out a lot of hot air and other bad stuff. He doesn’t seem to take his own advice.
Now, I really don’t mind him having a jet to fly around in. (Just don’t tell me I have to sell my gas car and get an EV) I, too, would love to have one so that I could fly and see my grandkids more often.
HarryLime 3 months ago
Funny story: years ago my cousin, a commercial pilot, was stopped for speeding on a rural road. The cop said: “OK buddy, let’s see your pilot’s licence!” So, he showed him … and actually got off with a warning.
gammaguy 3 months ago
But wouldn’t mixing more cold air into the warm air outside combat global warming?
(I know that’s not how it works, but I’m not convinced that she knows.)
Gamerkillss 3 months ago
letting cold air out of the fridge will not affect global warming at all it’s almost doing the opposite