You know, if the runner in Marathon, Greece had forgot the message he was carrying all those years ago…
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It’s a full update of classics for the 27th:
Skeezix comes up with “vest pocket golf”, and Uncle Walt is first on the tee. Then we have to deal with half-hens who lay half-eggs.
Someone on a ranch outside of Conniption has just gotta get a message to Rick…
♪♫ Hold on, hold on
One more hour and Walt’s life might be through
Hold on, hold on ♪♫
Brenda heads back to Grand Gotham Station to see Chug-Chug and his stupid aardvark off on the train to Chicago.. Denver.. Anaheim.. Azusa.. and Cuc….. a-monga — on his way to Seattle and then a ship to his new assignment in Nome, Alaska. But Chuggie has one favor to ask of our Starr.
Skeezix lays out the new terms to Slim, the more gas he sells, the more money he can make in bonuses to his minimum wage base salary. Just don’t start getting burritos for lunch – not THAT gas.
There probably aren’t a ton of upsides to being a 145-year-old cartoon character whose pleas for death fall on the unhearing ears of your cruel Creator, but at least your unnaturally addled brain can’t retain anything for too long. Can’t stay mad about things you can’t change if you don’t know what they are!
Johnny Q Premium Member 10 months ago
Except if THEY get distracted by soup…
Dirty Dragon 10 months ago
You know, if the runner in Marathon, Greece had forgot the message he was carrying all those years ago…
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It’s a full update of classics for the 27th:
Skeezix comes up with “vest pocket golf”, and Uncle Walt is first on the tee. Then we have to deal with half-hens who lay half-eggs.
Someone on a ranch outside of Conniption has just gotta get a message to Rick…
♪♫ Hold on, hold on
One more hour and Walt’s life might be through
Hold on, hold on ♪♫
Brenda heads back to Grand Gotham Station to see Chug-Chug and his stupid aardvark off on the train to Chicago.. Denver.. Anaheim.. Azusa.. and Cuc….. a-monga — on his way to Seattle and then a ship to his new assignment in Nome, Alaska. But Chuggie has one favor to ask of our Starr.
Skeezix lays out the new terms to Slim, the more gas he sells, the more money he can make in bonuses to his minimum wage base salary. Just don’t start getting burritos for lunch – not THAT gas.
snsurone76 10 months ago
The town’s motto should be “Home of Senility and Dementia”!!
iggyman 10 months ago
Think his mind is slipping a bit? Like a stocking foot on a freshly waxed floor!
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 10 months ago
I’m relieved that Walt is not running for President.
BJShipley1 10 months ago
Whatever Gertie gets paid, it’s not enough. Who’s paying her, anyway? I doubt Walt has enough savings to afford full-time help.
David Rickard Premium Member 10 months ago
From today’s Comics Curmudgeon:
There probably aren’t a ton of upsides to being a 145-year-old cartoon character whose pleas for death fall on the unhearing ears of your cruel Creator, but at least your unnaturally addled brain can’t retain anything for too long. Can’t stay mad about things you can’t change if you don’t know what they are!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 10 months ago
The City Council also plans to change the formula of Coca-Cola