Day by Dave by Dave Whamond for March 10, 2024

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    rekam Premium Member 10 months ago

    Hope that’s not true for you, Dave.

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    SHIVA  10 months ago

    A regular Diamond Jim Brady!!!

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  3. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  10 months ago

    When is national “I don’t tip” day?

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  4. Horse galloping
    backyardcowboy  10 months ago

    Dave’s idea of Tipping is to tip his head back when he drinks from a bottle.

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    nancyb creator 10 months ago

    I don’t believe this is real, Dave.

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    Dobie  Premium Member 10 months ago

    Here’s a tip… don’t run with scissors!

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    P51Strega  10 months ago

    I’ll leave you a five under my monitor when I shut down later.

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    ladykat  10 months ago

    I can’t afford to eat out, so tipping isn’t a problem for me.

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    wongo  10 months ago

    Here is a tip for you, "buy low, sell high!

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    Just-me  10 months ago

    TIP – To Insure Promptness.

    I’ve no problem with tipping most of the time, if the employee actually provides some service.. I do however object being asked for a tip when all the employee does is hand me the cup so I can fill my own drink and pass me the burger.
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    Lee26 Premium Member 10 months ago

    I’m so old, I remember when 10% was fairly standard.

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    Zebrastripes  10 months ago

    I seldom get lousy service..20% is my rate scale.

    However, decades ago, a server was awful, snarky and made us wait a very long time…so I left 1¢.

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    Brilliant_Birdie   10 months ago

    I think he needs some tips about tipping.

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  14. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  10 months ago

    The whole idea of tipping at a restaurant really bugs me. You’ve got people doing a menial job- one that doesn’t require a lot of knowledge or intelligence, yet the servers will tell you they really need to know a lot. Bonkers. I gave great service to the public most of my life, 17 years of it as a department store salesman, which requires considerable one-on-one interaction, had a tremendous amount of product knowledge about everything from cameras, optics, furniture, appliances, stereos…and only once in 17 years was offered a tip.

    More and more people have their hand out for tips these days. Last time I went to the fast oil change outlet, they had a tip request on their payment machine. I haven’t been back to that one. Why tip waiters? Do you tip everyone else who sells you stuff, or provides service of some kind? Do you tip your shoe salesperson? The staff at Walmart? The staff at your dollar store? Your gas jockey- oh, wait, you have to do that yourself most places. Better give yourself a tip. How about your Mayor and Council? Your Governor? Your MP? They are all in your service. (Fortunately, none of them are allowed to receive one, but it doesn’t stop big money donations.)

    Do I tip in restaurants? Sadly, yes. Only because I discovered an iniquity in how servers are treated by the owners. At any of the sit down restaurants around here, if a party doesn’t leave a tip, the server has to make up or it! An owner told me that her servers never wanted to wait on a certain group that came in every week because their table bill was always well over $150 and they never left tips. The server had to kick in 15% of that bill into the tip pot out of their own money, which is divided between the servers and kitchen staff. Yes, that’s right- every time you give a big tip because you like the wait person, ALL the staff get a chunk.

    There oughtta be a law.

    End of rant.

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    Mike Baldwin creator 10 months ago

    I read about it in, Tipping Quarterly.

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    Doug K  10 months ago

    What happens if you overtip a cow?

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    Doug K  10 months ago

    Can you make up for all of your undertipping in one day?

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    samuli creator 10 months ago

    Tip the light fantastic

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    wildlandwaters  10 months ago

    busted, Dave!

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    gopher gofer  10 months ago

    i’ll say it again, but i love not ever having to worry about tipping here in japan, where you amazingly get good service without having to bribe the employees (or to pay part of their salary). really. workers provide service because it’s expected of them, not because they’re fishing for tips… ☺

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    Herd of Turtles  10 months ago

    At the Cafe I go to depending on the way I’m dressed they know whether to give me a large to go cup or put the coffee cup and water on the table where I’m going to sit. I don’t mind tipping for that.

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    NaGrom Premium Member 9 months ago

    Over here the owners by law have to pay a decent wage. Some tourists try to tip, but often it’s handed back to them. It’s not the customer’s responsibility to make up for a greedy manager. Do you tip at Walmart or at the hospital?

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