Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for April 03, 2024

  1. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  9 months ago

    What happens when Wesley begins eating her art? I can only imagine, but a woman, female artsy cat, scorned…Fill in the blanks!

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  2. Annabelle
    Sue Ellen  9 months ago

    That saw blade looks familiar. Where have we seen it before?

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  3. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  9 months ago

    Cats eat garbage too. Many years ago I had a Maine Coone that could eat anything. I was always seeing chewed up remnants all over the house. And cleaning out the cat box was a very colorful affair. To top it all off, he would chew the wool blanket on the bed at 3 AM to floss his teeth!

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    dmah Premium Member 9 months ago

    I’m trying to picture them going to a modern art museum together, with Wesley getting arrested for trying to eat a painting of a soup can. I mean, yeah, the ferret is cute, but he’s a philistine.

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    BarbaraKrooss  9 months ago

    When one of my ferrets ate the sweat-salty neoprene grips from my exercise weights, and they expanded in his stomach after he drank some water. The Exotic Animal Vet was not surprised, “Happens all the time.” The surgery was expensive. The ferret was bouncing around the next day, trying to get into my closet to eat my wetsuits. Salty neoprene must taste like potato chips. And you can’t eat just one. One thing I learned about ferrets is that they don’t generally learn from their mistakes.

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    Ruth Brown  9 months ago

    The things I learn.

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  7. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 9 months ago

    This can’t end well.

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  8. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member 9 months ago

    I feel she may be reaching here…

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    Jacob Mattingly   9 months ago

    Okay so Gutter has an even better shot, and Sophie does deeply respect racoon culture. As for Wesley I love this dum dum. He shoudln’t be with sophie but he is deeply entertaning. Maybe go up a level bud. You seem more Lupin’s speed. His vet bills are also likely intense.

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    Biskits  9 months ago

    Wesley seems oblivious to Sophie’s romantic interest in him. Sophie clearly goes for neither brawn nor brains..

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  11. Bernard cabinet 20240413 202541 sm
    Liz the Lucky Premium Member 9 months ago

    I wonder if Sophie is seeing Wesley almost as an extension of art rather than a being in his own right? Kind of like how girls would be swooning after the images of Frank Sinatra or the Beatles and not the real people. She strikes me as being very fangirlish here.

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  12. Dragon baby
    Tigrisan Premium Member 9 months ago

    Poor Sophie. I don’t think, what’s his name, Wesley? I don’t think Wesley even cares that Sophie is around. Sophie and her unrequited ‘love’ and she’s too foolish to see that Gutter has been pining away for her forever. This is going to be nothing but trouble.

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  13. File10938
    ElliottB.C.Rennie  9 months ago

    Off Topic: I finally got my Lupin tattoo. folk asked (demanded) I post pictures of it when got it done, so here it is. https :// TinyURL (dot) com/3k7z7dbs link broken up as Gocomics doesn’t support full URL in comments (links to my public Facebook Post. workplace safe post)

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  14. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  9 months ago

    Well in that case you shoulda swoons over Heathcliff.

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  15. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  9 months ago

    Carole King and Toni Stern: Sweet Seasons

    Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose

    Sometimes you miss what’s most important to you

    Making a wrong decision.

    On the news scene, no one is really mean

    But maybe what you really want to find

    Is not in your vision!


    Looking for the sweet reasons you need to find

    Ferrets may appeal, you see

    But they have their limits as they’re running free

    Sometimes they are just a pleasant fantasy!


    Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose,

    A raccoon may be much better for you,

    Oh, wondering if your choices are for the better

    But you have your friends, you can make your plans

    Enjoy the seasons as they are running away

    And enjoy your life, your life with your cat friends!


    Looking for the sweet reasons you need to find

    Ferrets may appeal, you see

    But they have their limits as they’re running free

    Sometimes they are just a pleasant fantasy!

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    LizandMax  9 months ago

    Sad news this morning. I may have mentioned here that my adult daughter moved back home a little over a year ago and brought her two chihuahuas. Well, last night she was at her dad’s house with the dogs and some time in the night one of them got out of the house and fell in a creek. She called me in a panic at 3:30 am to say she was taking him to the emergency vet. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it. I will be calling the funeral home that took care of my Max to arrange for cremation. He was a nice quiet little pup. I’m going to miss him.

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    Katzen1415  9 months ago

    I have several questions about the discarded saw blade and whatever Wesley is chewing on in panel four, but I will ignore them and just appreciate Sophie’s art.

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  18. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  9 months ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    At the Artisans’ Studio

    Maat-Tilda: I liked this tapestry yesterday, and I still like it today.

    Adobe Style: It just needs a few finishing touches. Like maybe a bit of spider silk fabric.

    Voice: Someone call for a spider?

    Sophititi: Arachna! How did the locust plague go?

    Arachna: Excellent. I just left off some Nommy Nom Spider Treats for Thomios. As well as giving a supply to Those Who Never Tell.

    Adobe Style: You’re just in time for the Literary Festival, Ari. Queen Mags and her entourage are coming to hold it at the oPyramid.

    Ari: I thought they always had it in Afar.

    Soph: They did, but with the discovery of the oPyramid it was the perfect venue. I’m meeting Queen Mags’ bodyguard Sidewalk for Punn State Ice Cream.

    Ari: How do they manage to transport ice cream across the desert?

    Four Voices: We’ll never tell!

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  19. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 9 months ago

    Well this relationship is definitely going into the trash.

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    mustardjmd  9 months ago

    Egads, somehow I missed yesterday’s edition. Poor Gutter. Hang in there, kiddo. The ferrets are visiting temporarily. If nothing else, these strips have reinforced the fact that I don’t ever want to have a ferret around!

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    DorseyBelle  9 months ago

    Yeah, I remember ~swooning~ over incredibly dumb choices of dates. Sophie, dear, you can do better, but I know there’s no point telling you that now. Just hear this advice: have some Kleenex and Our IX Lives ready for the inevitable crash.

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  22. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  9 months ago

    I do like Wesley, but I think he and Sophie would do better to remain friends.

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  23. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  9 months ago

    Wesley reminds me of Kevin the cat!

    Roses are foodViolets are foodGarbage is foodI go to the vet a lot

    (Go look it up because no URLs anymore and The Empress is very annoyed about it.)

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  24. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member 9 months ago

    I really like Sophie’s current art piece. I could see that on exhibit in a People museum! The composition is really nicely unbalanced, and the contrast of the jagged table saw blade with the smooth peppermint is intriguing. The significance of the wire and the cat toy puffs can only be wondered about. Are they mounted on a mirror? I love it?

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    ladykat  9 months ago

    I like Sophie’s current art project.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  9 months ago

    Maybe Sophie is happy that her art has gained function as well as form. Unfortunately, that function seems to be “roughage”.

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    davanden  9 months ago

    Ferrets like to get into everything. However, they aren’t notable garbage eaters. I would rather this strip highlighted how intelligent and mischievous they are.

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    Miss Mina  9 months ago

    One of my troupemates is also a talented artist who loves to work with trash. She has made some beautiful creations out of discarded materials.

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    BarbaraKrooss  9 months ago

    Some say great art requires inspiration from a broken heart. If they’re right, Sophie I may be destined for greatness.

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  30. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member 9 months ago

    I hope Sophie isn’t too crushed when this relationship crashes and burns.

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    tad1  9 months ago


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  32. Red bird 20241225 194925 0000
    Red Bird  9 months ago

    Sophie has a creative mindset when it comes to garbage. It’s truly inspiring.

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    Fennec! at the Disco  9 months ago

    Just wait till he eats the art piece she spent hours making!

    (Come to think of it, that’s not so much different from a cook or baker spending hours of effort creating a marvelous meal or dessert, which the ravening hordes devour in minutes.)

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    Fennec! at the Disco  9 months ago

    I am reminded of a quote one of my kids saw online:

    Through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.

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    jed19 Premium Member 9 months ago

    I’m late to the comics today, and no one has mentioned Tommy toe beans?!?

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  36. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  9 months ago

    A producer and a consumer.

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    Catmom  9 months ago

    There was no bad weather here yesterday despite warnings. The last three nights I’ve slept quite comfortably with the window fan (blowing out) running. Tonight, the peep toads are out, but sometime before daylight and for several hours after, we might have accumulating SNOW! 》: ( Appalachian Spring, indeed…

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  38. Caracal cub smiles
    NyahNyahNyah  9 months ago

    With only a few exceptions, so many of us are warning Sophie about her impending doomed relationship with Wesley; that he’ll break her heart.

    Ya, I know I’m late to the party, but I haven’t peeked. I’m thinking that Wesley will just keep being Wesley and Sophie will become disillusioned by his behavior (re: lack of returned affections).

    Right now she’s riding high and I say, Let her! We’ll all catch her when she falls, and so will Tommy and Gutter.

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