Lisa Benson for April 12, 2024

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    Judge Magney  about 2 months ago

    Lisa Benson is not being truthful. Biden did not cut Medicare Advantage. His administration reduced the projected increase by a small amount, reported as 0.16% of spending.

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    XF8U-3  about 2 months ago

    Medicare Advantage is NOT Medicare but a private insurance. Thank the Regressives once again as in the 60’s the R’s did not want people clogging up hospitals so the insisted on a 20% copay. Other countries seem to handle this fine – they don’t have stupid R’s butching up the works.

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    braindead Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Another example of a MAGAt cartoonist LYING in order to weaponize a made up issue.

    Just like always.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Why is not a crime to intentionally broadcast false news?


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    Zuhl's Wife  about 2 months ago

    MAGA Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, released a plan that would convert all federal programs to “discretionary funding”. It will, in effect, kill all federal programs — including Social Security and Medicare — every five years unless Congress explicitly votes by a 2/3 majority to reauthorize them. And if the MAGAs manage to kill democracy and cement their autocratic, one-party rule, they will do exactly that.

    Since almost half of Medicare goes to end-of-life hospice programs, I’m sure the brainwashed MAGA useful idiots will be pleased as punch to have an elderly or cancer-stricken relative die in agony on their living room couch. Yes, by all means, vote for your own executioners to benefit the oligarchs.

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    superposition  about 2 months ago

    Read this Lisa … — aarp .org /health /medicare-insurance /info-2020 /original-medicare-vs-advantage .html

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    johnebert1  about 2 months ago

    Supposedly the richest country on earth but we refuse to educate or heal our people.

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    aristoclesplato9  about 2 months ago

    Obama wanted to eliminate the Advantage plans. They are popular with folks on Medicare and recently more members are in advantage plans compared to traditional.

    Some Dems are upset that Advantage plans offer more benefits and have tried to add those benefits to traditional Medicare. But that system is going broke and they cannot figure out how to pay for it.

    Just another example where the private sector proves it can do things better than the government.

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    A# 466  about 2 months ago

    Medicare Advantage Plan = Bait and Switch Plan.

    The advertised advantage is the nominal cost to individuals. Some Advantage plans are seriously deficient because of their carriers’ profit motives; this is why one’s mailbox is choked every year with invitations to choose an sign up for Advantage plans. Some others are adequate. But one may not discover the deficiencies of one’s plan until it’s too late to address the problem. Another hidden shiv is the fact that if one wants to drop an Advantage plan and replace it with traditional Medicare, one may find some difficulty in doing so, and the cost may be higher than if one chose traditional Medicare initially. Naturally, the poorest folks will consider Advantage plans and suffer more from poor quality coverage and the potential higher costs from that conversion. Most likely, if one can stand the cost, one is better off with traditional Medicare and a Plan G supplement.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Lisa likes her gaslighting and no one is taking her gaslighting!

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    tpcox928  about 2 months ago

    EVERYTHING in America is about profits for the wealthy. Thus the GOP disdain for Medicare and Medicaid and love affair with for-profit health care. How do you generate profits in health care? Collect premiums, don’t provide care. Simple.

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    The Nodding Head  about 2 months ago

    Older voters are shifting to Biden and Democrats. What you see from Benson is a sign of Republican alarm.

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 2 months ago

    We both have Medicare and are under 65. And living in Canada. (We call it Medicare up here)

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    Gen.Flashman  about 2 months ago

    The Advantage plans are funded by Medicare based on the projected cost of providing care for people enrolled in the plan. Thus the plans encourage doctors to upcode (code a patient as sicker than they actually are) their patents-code a patient as diabetic if the patient has a slight out of range glucose level. The plan is then funded with the cost of providing care to a diabetic.

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    Ontman  about 2 months ago

    Gee Lisa. Are you ever honest about anything?

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    david_42  about 2 months ago

    I ditched Medicare Advantage. I get the better coverage out of my wife’s work insurance for a tenth the cost.

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    Durak Premium Member about 2 months ago

    His “cut” is only giving them a 3.75% increase rather than the larger annual increase they usually get.

    Retirees, note that this is actually larger than any COLA you can expect from Congress or your old employer.

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    MuddyUSA   about 2 months ago

    Ah yes, promises the DemocRats make………….

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    Geezer  about 2 months ago

    From Wikipedia:

    “Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C, MA) is a type of health plan offered by Medicare-approved private companies that must follow rules set by Medicare.”

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  20. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 2 months ago

    So the Biden holds the line on the amount the government pays to Medicare Advantage Plans and Lisa throws out lies suggesting it won’t be available. Had Biden instead increased the amount the government pays, Lisa would be whining about the deficit.

    I don’t believe Lisa even knows what a Medicare Advantage Plan is and definitely nothing about how it works.

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    preacherman Premium Member about 2 months ago

    The administration cuts are in the Medicare Advantage plans increases to 3.7% for 2025. Yes, Dems want to protect your Medicare as MA costs more to operate.

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    piper_gilbert  about 2 months ago

    Medicare Advantage is run by private companies ripping off the elderly. People die waiting for approvals for procedures that could save their life. The people that sell these plans admit they themselves would never purchase these plans. Fact. The Republicans want the Social Security money. It’s just too much for them to ignore.

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Medicare Advantage is more GOP capitalistic scamming. Good riddance.

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    Addled Brain  about 2 months ago

    Republicans have been complaining that Medicare is a terrible, unneeded giveaway ever since 1965. Now, all of a sudden, it’s a vital component to American life. Thank you time.

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    HskrPhan  about 2 months ago

    I have a Medicare Advantage plan from UHC. I also had cancer that was removed surgically and 35 radiation treatments. Drugs, doctor visits lots of other things done for my health. The out-of-pocket costs for me were a small fraction of the total bill. I would be in financial trouble without this insurance. I think that UHC is basically administering a plan backed by the government. It’s better than alphabet Medicare. Advantage plans by other companies are similar.

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 2 months ago

    Republicans have done everything they can to destroy Medicare, Social Security is next on their target list.

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 2 months ago

    As if a stink-bait sleaze chummer or brainwashed MAGA would pay attention to actual facts about Medicare Advantage paying more attention to their bottom line than actual care for elderly patients, as pointed out by the AARP link, above, by SuperPosition.

    And BTW, †Яц☠p advisor MAGA / Nazi freakazoid Stephen Miller had a spittle-filled rant at a recent confab of venturous “Republicans” that “The AARP is one of the most evil organizations in America. They need to be destroyed!”

    Republicans are really good at both propaganda and stupid, saying the quiet part out loud while their media shills, political prostitutes, and brainwashed followers could care less about the truth, let alone country over sleazy power-grab anti-American politics.

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    knutdl  about 2 months ago

    GOP don’t care.

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    ChristopherBurns  about 2 months ago

    Now we’re digging deep into the Bull Sh!t. I imagine the worse it gets for Mr. Trump in court, the more the dung will get more fragrant and exotic.

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    Ivan the Terrible   about 2 months ago

    Leave it to Crazy Joe to add to the woos of the seniors. It seems to be an acknowledgment that Joe is history. If he loses another demographic it’s all over. I do agree that Advantage plans have been a cash cow for Big Med, including doctors, pharmacies and insurance companies. Doctors will get you into an unending cycle of specialists to chase down the most benign complaint or ailment.

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  31. Saurichia
    Saurischia Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Does the level of coverage on Medicare Advantage vary with the insurer? We have Kaiser Medicare Advantage and it is excellent. It seems that coverage may depend on the administrator. Unfortunate that we even have to deal with this alphabet soup of coverage which differs depending on where one lives – it is far more complicated than plans one had while working while being far more confusing for making decisions, just as people’s cognitive functions are declining. Shameful, really.

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    dogday Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Geez, if you want to weaponize something like health insurance, go ahead. But do you have to be STUPID about it?

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    Nantucket Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Medicare Advantage overcharges Medicare all the time. They can cancel your coverage, but Medicare cannot.

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    Jack7528  about 2 months ago

    Hey you said Trump was going to do that, what gives?

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 2 months ago

    (ahem) And the grownups were just talking about about stupid MAGA useful idiots?

    Here’s yer sign.

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    zendog13la  about 2 months ago

    When lies are all you got, lying is what you do. Eh, Lisa? Don’t poop on my ice cream and try to tell me it’s chocolate syrup.

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    bufador  about 2 months ago

    Medicare Advantage is a give away to the insurance industry. That is why every year at enrollment time you cannot turn on a TV without being offered free “benefits.” Free until you find out they want prior authorization for EVERYTHING, delay everything, and have a network of “providers” that is third rate. It really should be ended, and the money thus save by Medicare used to fund real benefits.

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    zerorest  about 2 months ago

    A bald faced lie, again.

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    Ukko wilko  about 2 months ago

    Besides, we need the money for student loan forgiveness.

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    Benaiah67  about 2 months ago

    This has nothing to do with anyones comment but more to do with the cartoon. I do not have medicare advantage, I have Tricare for life so I would not be affected by this at all. So when I saw this cartoon it was the first I heard or read anything about Biden cutting Medicare Adavantage. Did he do this or is it hyperbole. If he did what did he or his adminstration or whoever do. Just curious. Sometimes these things are misleading in one way or another.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Okay, this may come as a surprise for all my left wing antagonists, but IMO Medicare Advantage is a bit of a rip off. Having experience in medical administration, I’ll tell you that it’s basically a HMO and HMOs suck. You’re limited to physicians who participate in the program. Those physicians get paid a flat rate based on enrolled patients so they have no incentive to actually treat those patients. When making an appointment, Medicare Advantage patients go to the bottom of the list whereas cash and regular insurance patients are given high priority. It forces hospitals to see those patients at reduced rates which increases the cost of everyone else. My advice to everyone is to never sign up for Medicare Advantage or any HMO type insurance plan.

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  42. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  about 2 months ago

    So Democrats have gutted social security and now they are going to gut Medicare? Sure. Makes sense. They aren’t dictators who want to censor others, make them wear masks, keep them from attending church, take experimental vaccines, persecute them because of their opinions and beliefs, cancel them because they can’t tolerate alternative viewpoints, call for violence in the streets, call opponents deplorable and despicable and. . .

    Wait. . . yes they do. Democrats are going to do what Democrats have been doing since they founded the KKK and opposed the freeing of slaves or the abolition of segregation. Exploit the clueless idiots who don’t know any better.

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  43. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  about 2 months ago

    I remember Obama saying if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep them. THAT was a lie, which is what Democrats typically do. They tell people what they want to hear to make it easier to stab them in the back.

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    tpcox928  about 2 months ago

    Do NOT confuse MAGA-GOP, such as Ms. Benson, with facts.

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    washatkc Premium Member about 2 months ago

    If a democrats mouth is moving….Its a lie ^^^

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