I bought a cheap one, storage was just enough for the operating system…a text would get you a warning…awful thing. I’ll see if those machines in Walmart will give me a penny for it!
Is it really genius to pay $600 or more on a phone? What in the world can you do with a $600 phone that I can’t do on my $200 clunker? I can text, WhatsApp, email, internet searches, take photographs, deposit into my accounts, gaming, and more. What else is there that the $600 phone can do?
The dude from FL Premium Member 7 months ago
I bought a cheap one, storage was just enough for the operating system…a text would get you a warning…awful thing. I’ll see if those machines in Walmart will give me a penny for it!
Pickled Pete 7 months ago
I’d need the genius phone cuz I have no idea and little interest..
The Reader Premium Member 7 months ago
Genius Phone with extra tracking!
purepaul Premium Member 7 months ago
My first one was just a phone. Not even a camera. Huge change but brings out some really massive dumbness too. Drive and text?
Steverino Premium Member 7 months ago
I would never want a phone that smarter than me.
ladykat 7 months ago
I’ll stick to my smart phone.
dap1004 7 months ago
Is it really genius to pay $600 or more on a phone? What in the world can you do with a $600 phone that I can’t do on my $200 clunker? I can text, WhatsApp, email, internet searches, take photographs, deposit into my accounts, gaming, and more. What else is there that the $600 phone can do?
PlatudimusAtom Premium Member 7 months ago
I’ve heard rumor that the Genius model is very stable.
mistercatworks 7 months ago
Ridiculously expensive phone for nitwits $5000.