Clay Jones for June 23, 2024

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 9 days ago

    Ten Commandments in classrooms?

    So when do they put up the Five Pillars of Islam? The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism? The Five Principles of Shinto? The Dharma of Hinduism? The Seven Points of Satanism? The Code of Hammurabi?

    What about the six recipes of Pastafarianism in honor of the Flying Spaghetti monster?

    Or is it just an “establishment of religion” a strange perversion of the ‘Christian” religion in particular, to the exclusion of all others?

    Even the religious nut jobs on today’s Supreme Court would have a hard time explaining why that doesn’t violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments, though I’m sure those devious authoritarian bullies could find a creative way of doing it. I’m sure Samuel Alito’ wife is involved in some way.

    And which Ten Commandments are they going to post? The Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant versions are all different. (It seems that the wording specified in the law is the wording from the Protestant version, even though Louisiana — where political divisions are in parishes instead of counties — has a very significant Catholic population. Will we now see the kind of rather intense kind of, uhm, difference of opinions in Louisiana that was experienced in Northern Ireland?)

    Maybe they can settle that by just copying from the version of the Bible that Trump is selling — the Trump Standard Version (also known as the “Book of Moron”), in which all those nasty old King James translation errors have been “fixed.” Adultery is now a sacrament, paying hush money to a porn star now counts as “tithes and offerings” and all references to “God” or “Lord” or “Messiah” have been replaced by “Trump.”

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  2. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  9 days ago


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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  9 days ago

    Oh hey, a green-tooth Maga in a suit!

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    Chazz  9 days ago

    I hope Pizza Rat is OK, I know they eat a little different down there.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 9 days ago

    I had to give a sad laugh to Clay’s comment on his claytoonz site.

    “Here’s the deal, people: you can’t be a Jesus freak while being a Trump freak.”

    The fact is that they can. People can twist anything any way they want to — and do. Jonestown for example. Waco, for example. Bombings of churches during the Civil rights movement. None of that has to do with Trump, of course, but such people do not seem to see the same reality as most people.

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  6. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  9 days ago



    You shall have no other gods before Me.

    You shall not make idols.

    You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

    Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

    Honor your father and your mother.

    You shall not murder.

    You shall not commit adultery.

    You shall not steal.

    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

    You shall not covet.

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Where is Pizza rat when we need him/her?)

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  7. Me4
    Guy from southern Indiana  9 days ago

    Trump backs Louisiana’s new law which requires that the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom. Trump committed adultery with a “paid woman” while his own wife was pregnant. He is hypocrisy personified.

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    Breeana  9 days ago


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  9. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  9 days ago

    Thou shalt not be “Holier Than Thou”.

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    robcarroll1213  9 days ago

    If only the GOP would read this cartoon today and let it sink in…

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    oldchas  9 days ago

    First, prove Moses existed. Has anybody ever seen the original Ten Commandments? Make an effort to catch up with actual biblical scholarship. Stop calling the old testament a history book.

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    DC Swamp  9 days ago

    The Ten Commandments do not belong in government schools.

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  13. Bbb
    NeoconMan  9 days ago

    If there really was a god who wanted people to know his commandments, he would have advertised them better, not whispered them in private to an illiterate shepherd in a cave on the top of a mountain.

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  14. Grouchomarx 2
    Groucho & Redd Panda  9 days ago

    From the Book of the Great Panda, today’s reading…

    “Walk softly on the Earth. Offer the hand of friendship to others. If you know it’s wrong, don’t do it.”

    One more thing, if you’re going out, can you pick up a few jelly donuts?

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    T Smith  9 days ago

    The only commandments that have any counterpart in U.S. law are the ones prohibiting murder, theft and false-witness (perjury).

    30% hardly supports the “American law is based on the commandments” argument. Not when the behaviors proscribed are so obviously anti-social.

    And yet, the Maga cultists worship at the feet of their One True Lord and Savior, who has shat upon at least 8 of those commandments.

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    akachman Premium Member 9 days ago

    Perfect!! These must be posted in all states. The MAGA crowd needs to see their BS in print.

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    Elguitaro Premium Member 9 days ago

    Freedom of religion includes freedom from religion

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    HarryLime Premium Member 9 days ago

    Do unto others, before they do unto you!

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 9 days ago

    You just KNOW every follower of the exalted orange one has already or will violate every one of these…..

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    LeeGP  9 days ago

    Don’t these people know that the Ten Commandments are just a gateway for the remaining 603?

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  21. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  9 days ago

    They also ought to post, “Thou shalt consult the Oracle at Delphi”…..

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    ncorgbl  9 days ago

    Hypocrisy, thy name is conservative.

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  23. Birr castle mini
    DHBirr  9 days ago

    “Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.)” — Excerpt from the First Suggestion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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    sincavage05  9 days ago

    They should post that in voting booths, along with a copy of his mug shot.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 9 days ago

    The comments to Neoconman’s comment prompted me to realize that those stone tablets probably would have been written in Egyptian or even Cuneiform (the style used in mesopotamia).

    The paleo-Hebrew script is one of those derived essentially from the Phoenician script — which itself has features resembling some Egyptian hieroglyphs (see Wikipedia article on Phoenician alphabet. These seem to date from 1100 BC, give or take a hundred years or so.

    But the date of the exodus from Egypt seems to have been well before that time. It makes sense that Moses and his followers, after their long stay in Egypt would have knowledge of Egyptian and of those in use in Mesopotamia. (Where did Abraham come from? Ur! In Mesopotamia!)

    So my vote is that the commandments should be displayed in Egyptian or Cuneiform! Or both!

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    cracker65  9 days ago

    Much better.

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    kgornick Premium Member 8 days ago


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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 3 days ago

    With Covid, you mean the rules that Fauci has admitted that he made up without research?

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