Ted Rall for June 24, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  9 days ago

    Show your work, eh?

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    Judge Magney  9 days ago

    Another day, another ruble, eh, Ted.

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  3. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  9 days ago

    Sound alot like the orange crud

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  4. Egidius.pfanzelter
    EgidiusPfanzelter  9 days ago

    Who is Debra Smith? There is a former candidate for the House of SD, one running for mayor, one on a school board, and probably more.

    The idea to dig up dirt has been copyrighted by Newt Gingrich.

    And who has been imprisoned?

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 9 days ago

    Trump is guilty of crimes. Period.

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  6. Mooseguy
    moosemin  9 days ago

    I was agreeing with you, Ted, in the first two panels, then you started to go off the rails. (Instead, would you do some cartoons about how the rules, regulations and laws have been perverted to funnel the nations wealth to the very small top of the pyramid?)

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    billopfer Premium Member 9 days ago

    Ted’s cartoons are a crime.

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  8. Mikemasked201406
    AnnouncerMike Premium Member 9 days ago

    Red Ted points out how Hungary Russia, Turkey, Iran have run their show (skipping panels 2&3) to the delight of Don the Con. Let’s choose to keep America free of that cabal.

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    DC Swamp  9 days ago

    This is the contemporary modus operandi of the Democratic Party to keep their corpse in chief in office.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 9 days ago

    Please tell us that you don’t subscribe to the lawfare conspiracy delusions being promulgated by the Republicans, Mr. Rall.

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  11. Wtp
    superposition  9 days ago

    Extreme partisanship has led some to not believe our broken political system that no longer truly/proportionally represents the electorate isn’t corrupted.

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  12. S l400
    Patrick Murphy Premium Member 9 days ago

    The tiny heads on the left are exploding all over these pages. As always, they cannot or refuse to recognize the truth when they see it.

    Well done Mr. Rall and thank you.

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  13. John adams1
    Motivemagus  9 days ago

    @Ted Rall, I’m more than a little appalled that you bought the Kremlin/Republican lie hook, line, and sinker. Anyone who has been paying attention for the past 40 years knows that #45 is a crook and always has been. He first came to prominence standing in for his father when they were accused (accurately) of illegally blocking black residents from their apartments. He’s got mob ties going back decades – he used the mob to protect him from being picketed for using (and underpaying) nonunion labor and it is known that he should have been blocked from getting his casinos in Atlantic City. He’s connected to the Russian Mob, too, of course.

    And the only reason he hasn’t been convicted before of fraud, is because he settles to make sure that he avoids conviction, as with Trump University and the Trump Foundation – both of which were found to be fraudulent.

    His conviction in New York was absolutely by the book. Even though there was some question as to whether it should have been brought, it went through a Grand Jury process, and then through a trial where every single count went against him – something no one expected, and could only have happened because of the jury’s judgment of the evidence.

    The Biden Administration had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

    However, if #45 wins, this is exactly what will happen. Who’s been chanting “lock her up” for years? Not Biden.

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  14. Sign
    Henwood  9 days ago

    ^^@Murphy: My head is still intact and where it should be. I will now break out the popcorn to watch your head explode as I mention once again that Ashli Babbitt got what she deserved.

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    franknason  9 days ago

    Ted has more insight than the NYT and WaPo combined

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  16. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 9 days ago

    Great toon, Ted. But we both know that only happens in third-world countries. /s

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  17. Pine marten3
    martens  9 days ago

    Rall has now reached level even lower than Payne or Varvel. Congrats—-or something, Ted.

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  18. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 9 days ago

    American “democracy” and its “freedom” could use a fair discussion and maybe redefine it.

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    grwr  9 days ago

    On Rall’s last cartoon, I defended him but said I don’t always agree with him… yeah, this is one of those times I don’t agree with him. I wan criminals treated equally and appropriately punished. No special treatment for politicians or candidates for office.

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  20. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  9 days ago

    American Democracy is when Jamaal Bowman gives a profanity-laced campaign speech that would make TwoPac cringe, and even earned the condemnation of his fellow Democrats in Congress. Maybe if they had put a fire alarm on the stage …

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    piper_gilbert  9 days ago

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

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  22. Lifi
    rossevrymn  9 days ago

    Whelp, that’s really boring, as was the previous retread, Summer read DMZ, you can catch the latest Walt Handelsman, which Go Comics can’t seem to identify, at: nola dot com opinions walt handelsman .

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    rmike7842  9 days ago

    I’m sorry to see yet more rationalization for Trump getting away with crime, especially coming from such a stickler. He can’t be prosecuted because he’s President, but it seems as along as he runs, he can’t be prosecuted either. As far as political persecution, everyone with the least amount of sense know that this will not hurt Trump and he will not be jailed. He will receive more deferential treatment than any other convicted felon and will continue to capitalize on his criminality. Not prosecuting Trump is acknowledging his potential dictatorship. The rest is almost comical in its naiveite. Yep, it seems like just yesterday that Jefferson’s camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman” and Adams’ men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father”. Exchanged slurs included Adams was a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward. When I was a child, I went to see a performance of Peter Pan and when Tinkerbell took the poison, the audience was encouraged to clap their hands, and if they clapped hard enough, Tink would live. I clasped my hands so hard, they hurt. I wanted Tink to live and I thought it would work.

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  24. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 9 days ago

    Sounds about right. Only thing I would add would the final solution, if all the above steps aren’t working, sniper on the grassy knoll. Don’t laugh, I wouldn’t put it past the power that is actually running the country.

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    rlaker22j  9 days ago

    wrong color hair it should be MTG

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    [Unnamed Reader - bf182b]  9 days ago

    This election will, I hope, be an outlier.

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  27. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member 9 days ago

    I dunno. If this is about trump, it still misses the mark.

    Mainly because he won’t serve any prison time, because he’s due to appear on the ballot and our country is too cowardly to actually put a rich white guy in prison for committing actual crimes, and bragging about committing those crimes on TV and admitting he committed crimes every time he gives speeches about the crimes he committed.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 9 days ago

    Ted Rall buys into the Republican “lawfare” conspiracy trope.

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    ncorgbl  9 days ago

    Freedom. It is a wonderful thing. But there are those, and have always been, who will try to take advantage of any situation they can. That is why we must protect our freedom, and have always had to. Our very first presidential campaign between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had mud slinging, down and dirty, fake news events. Those two Founders, and the others, gave us a free press that can and does publish the truth and the lies they choose to. It is our job, ‘WE, the People’, to make the effort to find the truth and not be spoon-fed by any source with an agenda. We are charged with separating the fly poop from the pepper by design. It is self-government as was supposed to be.

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  30. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 9 days ago

    Another LIE by Ted.

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  31. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 9 days ago

    There is no credible evidence to suggest that federal officials, including Biden or the DNC, have interfered in the New York or Georgia trials. The cases involving stolen documents and insurrection are federal matters and will naturally be handled by federal prosecutors. Given that much of the unlawful activity was broadcast live on national television, the identity of the prosecutors is somewhat inconsequential, as the evidence of guilt appears overwhelming.

    Amazing, isn’t it? Did you ever think that a exPOTUS would need to have his trials separated into categories?

    All of the witnesses against Trump are his own inner circle; his own closest hand-picked advisors. He is not being accused by Democrats, not even run-of-the-mill Republicans, but by people HE CHOSE as his closest advisors. You can’t claim it is a witch hunt when it is your own flying monkeys that you sent out who are providing the evidence. Trump has been convicted because Trump is guilty.

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  32. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  9 days ago

    I just voted in the Canadian Federal by-election in my riding. Our long-time MP (liberal) retired and had to be replaced. The general election won’t be for another year or so. So there was just the one office to be filled. There were eighty-four candidates for the single seat. The ballot was enormous. There are only three candidates who will get many votes: Liberal, Conservative, and NDP (New Democratic Party—a left of centre party). I know Rall wants a lot of candidates, and that’s fine, but the number doesn’t matter if people won’t vote for them. Voting, by the way, was easy. I had to have one piece of ID with my photo and address (such as a driver’s license) or two pieces: one with a photo (such as a passport) and one with my name and address (such as a utility bill or a tax notice). There are lots of kinds of ID that will satisfy the requirements. Registration is automatic. The poll was in a local school, a ten minute walk from my house. There are lots of polls, so no one is very far from where they have to vote. I went at lunch time, and I didn’t have to wait. My wife (who has a different last name) had to wait for one person ahead of her in her line. I can be pretty cynical about electoral politics, but it felt good to vote.

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    calliarcale  9 days ago

    I see Rall has bought into the lawfare meme. I suppose in his world it would be better to turn a blind eye to any crimes committed by wealthy politicians, since the last thing anyone wants is for it to seem as if a DA or prosecutor is helping their opposition. Ted Rall — friend to the rich and powerful! They shouldn’t ever have to face consequences; that would be unseemingly!

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  34. Zh7uxue
    GreggW Premium Member 9 days ago

    What democracy?

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  35. Catinnabag2 50pct
    Màiri  8 days ago

    Assange is free

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    steveconkey2003  8 days ago

    Describes the democrats well.

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