Dana Summers for July 02, 2024

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    ShadowMaster  5 days ago

    The BS is strong with this one

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  2. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member 5 days ago

    Nukes? I’m more concerned about the star I see shining through the moon!

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    CrossTieWalker Premium Member 5 days ago

    He wears his Depends all day

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  4. Sunimage
    Sun  5 days ago

    Unstable Joe Biden should not have access to any nuclear codes.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 5 days ago

    Har, har, har.


    Not even remotely close to humorous.

    Jeers to the cartoonist.

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    Ontman  5 days ago

    Summers is of course a delusional MAGA syncphant.

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    rmike7842  5 days ago

    Ahh…the old “3am phone call”. Good old George Washington was the first to have faced that problem (not literally). It seems like it’s a regular occurrence in modern time times. But it’s largely a myth. Staff are hesitant to wake the President and there is rarely anything the President can actually do in the immediate sense for most crisis. Frankly, other than another play on Biden’s age, there is no reason to believe that Trump will be alert or collected if woken at 3 am. All-nighters are a much more likely scenario when a crisis is breaking. As for real time action, GW Bush provided an excellent example at 9-11. There, we say the thought process happening for an awake President being informed of a major crisis. As for this absurdity, I’m sorry children, but Trump can’t save you. You’re all going to die and even Old Joe will make sure we kill the rest of the planate before it’s all over.

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  8. Yin yang
    Havel  5 days ago

    An example of the appeal to ignorance fallacy. The conclusion is not true just because you say so. Biden had a cruddy debate. No doubt about it. Is there evidence that he functions “normally” during non-10 to 4 hours? Absolutely.

    Whether this matters or not to voters, no one can say at this point. I suspect the performance of both will convince citizens to avoid voting at all.

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    ncorgbl  5 days ago

    Well, that’s a full load of BS.

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    aristoclesplato9  5 days ago

    Remember, the 10-4 schedule where Biden functions with some effectiveness came from his staff in the White House. No right wing hoax here. There are some people working in the administration that take their oath seriously and know the Biden is the real threat to our way of life.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  5 days ago

    Biden at 10:05 AM over breakfast reading the presidential morning brief: “We lost New York? Dang! I needed their electoral votes.”

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    phobos  5 days ago

    If anyone is interested here’s the 20 top lies Biden told at the debate. These have been verified as true by the Federalist.1. Border Patrol EndorsementBiden claimed he was endorsed by America’s Border Patrol union. That is not true. In fact, the Border Patrol Union issued a real-time fact-check Thursday night stating: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”2. Trump Bleach LieBiden claimed Trump told people infected with Covid to inject themselves with “bleach.” Trump did not tell people to do that.3. Illegal Border CrossingsBiden claimed “there [are] 40 percent fewer people coming across the border illegally” under his presidency than Trump’s. That isn’t true, as illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to record highs under Biden’s presidency.4. Military DeathsBiden claimed he’s the “only president this … decade” who “doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world” under his presidency. That is false. Thirteen service members were killed during Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal plus he left Americans there along with billions of dollars worth of our miliary equipment.5. InflationBiden claimed inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office. That statistic is false. The inflation rate when Trump left office was 1.4 percent.6. Late Term AbortionBiden claimed that Democrats “are not for late-term abortion.” As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd noted, Biden “has repeatedly promised to legalize unlimited, on-demand abortion through all nine months of pregnancy via a sweeping bill and routinely promoted taxpayer-funded abortion policies.”7. Cages at the BorderBiden claimed Trump was “separating babies from their mothers [and] putting them in cages” when he was president. That statement is misleading. As admitted by the left-wing Associated Press, these were “chain-link enclosures” inside alien-holding border facilities that were created by the Obama-Biden administration.

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    The Nodding Head  4 days ago

    Do you honestly think that The Diapered Disaster would be better?

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    MartinPerry1  4 days ago

    From first hand reports, that is still more time than what Trumpie put in, if he wasn’t out playing golf somewhere.

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  15. P1000380
    A# 466  4 days ago

    Well, at least Biden is dependably engaged 25% of the time. Which is infinitely more of the time that Trump in engaged.

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 4 days ago

    President Joseph Biden has been working every day for the people of the United States, In the last two weeks before the debate, he was flying back and forth between continents and time zones. He is actually fulfilling the duties of the presidency, more successfully than most other presidents, unlike Trump, who spent his presidency grifting and grafting for his own benefit and abusing his presidential powers corruptly.

    The debate was focused on refuting Donald Trump’s lies with data. President Biden’s debate preppers would have been better off instructing him to say, “Donald, you are lying again. If the viewers want the actual facts, go to the Biden/Harris website.” Then, he could have simply repeated it every time Trump spoke.

    Debates aside, the U.S. presidency is not about fighting. It is about diplomacy. On that score, President Biden has shown us time after time, that he can get things done for the American people, the nation, and the world. He has had record accomplishments most times with either one or both of his hands “tied behind his back” by his adversaries.

    President Biden has never been a show horse. He is a work horse. Instead of holding him to the glib talk of a conman like Trump, voters should pay attention to Biden’s very real accomplishments and the plans he has stated repeatedly that he wants to accomplish in his next term.

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  17. Me avatar
    rbullfogg  4 days ago

    They sleep in the same bed?

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  18. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 days ago

    Not to worry, Jill. Susan Rice is on watch. Just like she was over Benghazi.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member 4 days ago

    That was Reagan!!!

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  20. Melting clock fizz creations
    cfkelley  4 days ago

    Biden is dependably engaged from 10 am to 4 pm, with naps at 11 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm.

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    gammaguy  3 days ago

    Should do that when Trump is there.

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    gammaguy  1 day ago

    Call them in the morning and ask if they’d be willing to do us any more favors.

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