Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for August 08, 2024

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    Steve Bartholomew  5 months ago

    I know the feeling. But coffee is an essential nutrient.

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    Yakety Sax  5 months ago

    Wife’s Cousin came in late with a buddy of his and they decided they really needed some coffee. So, having never made it before they followed the instructions to the letter. Made on pot and each had a cup. Didn’t sleep for 72 hours!

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    david_42  5 months ago

    When I was at a Navy school, there was a huge coffee urn. Coming in early and making coffee was rotated. Then it got to a guy who did not drink coffee, so he followed the directions: fill the urn to the top line, put three cups of grounds in the top, plug in. The directions said nothing about dumping the old coffee and grounds.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  5 months ago

    a non Euclidean bladder, capacity is greater than outside dimensions

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    Ellis97  5 months ago

    Talk about sleep deprivation.

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    vorlon42  5 months ago

    A long time ago my dad was scheduled for an early morning conference call with some people a few time zones east. As such he was the first into the office, before the admins, and had to make the coffee himself. He does so, and because he’s in a hurry to get onto the call, he sticks his mug under the percolator and catches the first cup that comes out then swaps the carafe back in to catch the rest. What he didn’t know is that caffeine dissolves very quickly and he got more or less an entire pot’s worth of caffeine in his mug. He could barely sit still for the entire morning and was wondering why the rest of the early arrivals looked so sleepy…

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    Ulrig  5 months ago

    It is SO NICE not to be affected by caffeine!

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    russef  5 months ago

    To pee. Or not to pee. That is the question.

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    Stephen Gilberg  5 months ago

    Raccoons are supposed to be nocturnal anyway.

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    eddi-TBH  5 months ago

    Ever wonder why plants have caffeine? It acts as an insecticide. That’s why the coffee grounds in the garden trick works.

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    Strawberry King  5 months ago

    And again and again…

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