For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for October 02, 2024

  1. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  3 months ago

    Is that another Asian girl? No wonder she is giving Dawn the side eye. Candace just thinks it was about her because she is Candace, but Dawn clearly knows better.

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    snsurone76  3 months ago

    Think of this, girls—in a year or two, those upper class snobs will be freshmen again.

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    arolarson Premium Member 3 months ago

    Interesting how Candace’s hair grows a foot longer and her skirt shrinks 6” shorter between panels.

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    mckeonfuneralhomebx  3 months ago

    9 grade girls are a good chance of being a sister or cousin of an 11th or 12th grader. I went to school with 14 relatives (6 different last names) that graduated all within 10 years of oldest to youngest, 4 in the same year all four with different last names so very few ever knew of a relationship.

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    b.john71  3 months ago

    Fresh Meat in the market

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    GirlGeek Premium Member 3 months ago

    This is what you get for riding with older guys

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    joe.altmaier  3 months ago

    My young friend, at 15, said to his mates “Live it up! This is the only time in our lives where it’s acceptable to perv on fifteen-year-olds!”

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    JudithStocker Premium Member 3 months ago

    She’s right about competition! Grade 11 & 12 boys like girls younger (and more naive) than the wiser, older young women.

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    Mwills5  3 months ago

    Candace is the only one of those three that are competition. Elizabeth and Dawn dress like they’re in grade school.

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    baskate_2000  3 months ago

    Competition, yes, but still aliens!

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    CultofFarley  3 months ago

    Ooga Falrey!

    Booga Falrey!

    Rooga Falrey!

    Rooga Falrey!

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    The Great_Black President  3 months ago

    Public school

    Your tax dollars at work

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 months ago

    Cafeteria seating war coming up

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    French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member 3 months ago

    Candace, in YOUR eyes, you are “competition”. In the eyes of the older girls, you’re just sniveling little upstarts trying to gain notoriety.

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    French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member 3 months ago

    SPOLIER ALERT***** ………. Once you see Candace completely change her appearance, wearing dumpy clothes and shaving her head… it’s the result of her mom’s live-in boyfriend coming “at” her in a very bad way…

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 3 months ago

    Indeed you are……….

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    kjnrun  3 months ago

    Bingo to the competition comment, although maybe that is new thing. Back in the 70’s I don’t recall the seniors acting like that to the soph’s or fresh’s. Then again, I am a male and was probably clueless.

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    rebelstrike0  3 months ago

    Competition for what? Candace, Dawn and Elizabeth are not competing with the upperclasswomen for admission to a university. College admission boards tend to look at groups by academic year.

    A scant amount of kids think of school as a place to prepare for their future.

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    USN1977  3 months ago

    There was a mockumentary where parents and teachers were concerned about why public school kids were more focused on having fun and cruising chicks than academics.

    Public school kid #1: Public school is a place to chill out and get girls.

    Public school kid #2: Don’t let life pass you by!

    Narrator: While it is expected parents may have a problem with this live-for-the-moment attiude, the slackers got surprising support from another school; the Robert E. Lee Military Academy.

    Scene changes to sharply-dressed cadets marching in formation and attending classes. One cadet is looking into a microscope, then turns his attention to the reporter

    Cadet: Yes, I think kids at public school should be having a good time and hooking up instead of athletics or academics.

    We want their jobs.

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    kamoolah  3 months ago

    Elizabeth and her friends are on the right track. They need to be on the lookout for a boyfriend whose parents are loaded. The goal is to land a rich husband.

    Elly did.

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    Eric S   3 months ago

    I miss those 90s styles!

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    happyinvenice23  3 months ago

    We are not going back!!

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    raybarb44  3 months ago

    Not yet but potentially and sooner than you think….,

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    HodgeElmwood  3 months ago

    Competition? For 18-year-old guys? I really hope not. That 4-year age difference won’t matter in later decades, but there’s a world of difference between 14 and 18 in high school.

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    Sambora1  3 months ago

    This kind of situation never happened when I was in school. I live in a rural area where everyone knows everyone so a senior would more than likely already know a freshman and their families are more than likely close friends so they would have grown up together. Seniors were friends with freshman, freshman were friends with seniors. Never had those kind of divisions, when I was a senior some of my friends were even from the seventh and eighth grades ( the school is actually one big building with K-6 on one side of the building then a long hallway and a gated door separates the rest of the school which is 7-12). Also, we never had to worry about racism growing up here, when I was in school there was one black student from one of the most popular and friendly family in town and he was friends with everyone. Over the years we have had more different nationalities and races move into the area due to the gas well drilling and there is a bit of a racism issue now but mostly the problems are which political side you are on, I live in a state that is what they say is a “blue” state but most residents in my town are Republican so there is a lot of division with that. I just wish things would go back to the way they use to be in my plain old rural town, not meaning that I don’t want the different nationalities, what I mean is I want no divisions anymore. This is 2024, almost 2025, and it shouldn’t matter what race you are, we are all human beings and all were created by God and should act that way towards others.

    Sorry for the long rant, just not been in a good mood for 2 days for many reasons and just had to express my opinion on this topic.

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