Technology marches on. Language follows only fitfully. Many people still refer to dialing their phones. (I haven’t seen a phone with an actual dial in something like four decades now.) Video crews are still said to be filming something. Ratting someone out is still colloquially called “dropping a dime on them”, referring to untraceable pay phones. And people whose flat-screen TVs are hard-wired to the Internet still say they “tune in” to “broadcasts” on “the tube”.
This can’t be right. We’re seeing a child learning something. You know, as opposed to making wry comments on arcane stuff no child has ever known at age eight.
Several years ago someone gave us a big screen TV. The kids used it as a Playstation and computer monitor. They took it with them when they moved out on their own, and we don’t miss it.
When a power surge took out our 25" tv we replaced it with our first HD tv, a 35" crt set. Very heavy and deep. Was very happy when flat screens came along.
Richard S Russell Premium Member 3 days ago
Technology marches on. Language follows only fitfully. Many people still refer to dialing their phones. (I haven’t seen a phone with an actual dial in something like four decades now.) Video crews are still said to be filming something. Ratting someone out is still colloquially called “dropping a dime on them”, referring to untraceable pay phones. And people whose flat-screen TVs are hard-wired to the Internet still say they “tune in” to “broadcasts” on “the tube”.
rasputin's horoscope 3 days ago
The t.v. is definitely the focal point of the room- unless everyone is too busy on their phones to notice what’s on the big screen
OldsVistaCruiser 3 days ago
I remember when TV sets were considered furniture!
Rhetorical_Question 3 days ago
I remember that Television sets included a radio.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 3 days ago
Do they, though? The days of everyone watching the same thing are long gone.
BJDucer 3 days ago
I can remember when an 18" TV was a normal size TV…
bkeys1 3 days ago
But it came in a box 3’ tall and 4’ wide
Funniguy 3 days ago
Vacuum tubes & Test Patterns anyone?
rf_in_va 3 days ago
Had the largest glass screen TV Sony ever made and needed a car jack to get it into and out of the cabinet.
Jhony-Yermo 3 days ago
Follow Edward Abbey’s sage advice. “Shoot your TeeVee”
allegro 2 days ago
This can’t be right. We’re seeing a child learning something. You know, as opposed to making wry comments on arcane stuff no child has ever known at age eight.
I cannot believe it! More like this one, please.
davidlwashburn 2 days ago
Several years ago someone gave us a big screen TV. The kids used it as a Playstation and computer monitor. They took it with them when they moved out on their own, and we don’t miss it.
Oge 2 days ago
Our first TV was in a cabinet and had doors that could be closed to hide that big ugly grey glass “eye”.
DM2860 2 days ago
You did not worry about someone breaking in and stealing your TV
jconnors3954 2 days ago
Wish the sound was better on flat screens, without buying a sound bar.
ChazNCenTex 2 days ago
Now we’re considered furniture.
Bilan 2 days ago
All of these people knocking big TVs while they’re fixed on their small screens reading GoComics. /s
JanBic Premium Member 2 days ago
When a power surge took out our 25" tv we replaced it with our first HD tv, a 35" crt set. Very heavy and deep. Was very happy when flat screens came along.
sincavage05 2 days ago
I have a 75 inch, can see the nose hairs in the football players.
Otis Rufus Driftwood 2 days ago
The more things change . . .
vilho Premium Member 2 days ago