I live in Wisconsin, which is approximately 1500 miles from salt water in any direction. Nonetheless, I can start off every day with a nice glass of orange juice (yes, even in January) and polish it off with a tasty shrimp dinner. These little luxuries we totally take for granted would’ve been beyond the wildest imaginings of the richest people and most powerful monarchs in most of history.
Honest to peet, serving a loved or esteemed people peeled and de-seeded grapes is a thing. As for me, I don’t eat grapes much, but when I do, I either swallow the seeds… or the non-seeds.
Grapes w/ seeds?? Mox Nix, I usually eat the seeds in most fruits and veggies. Added nutrients and roughage. Skins too. Except banana peels— that is an example of an exception.
When we lived in Little Rock AR, we enjoyed eating at one of the best seafood restaurants I’ve ever countered. And it was about a thousand miles from the nearest ocean!
Say what you will about California, we get fresh vegetables year round, seafood, nuts, even grapes. We grow almost all the olives, walnuts, apricots, artichokes, and just up the road from me, Satsuma Mandarins that only grow in the foothills here. Tomorrow i will buy at the farm, 110 lbs to send in one day priority boxes to family members.
I only really like Concord grapes. They are seeded, but since you swallow the inside whole and discard the skin, not a problem. What is a problem is that they do not keep. They appear for about a three or four week window and are then gone.
Bilan about 1 month ago
It’s easy until the seeds get stuck between your teeth.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 1 month ago
I live in Wisconsin, which is approximately 1500 miles from salt water in any direction. Nonetheless, I can start off every day with a nice glass of orange juice (yes, even in January) and polish it off with a tasty shrimp dinner. These little luxuries we totally take for granted would’ve been beyond the wildest imaginings of the richest people and most powerful monarchs in most of history.
badeckman about 1 month ago
I think watermelon with seeds taste better. Grapes with seeds no thanks.
Concretionist about 1 month ago
Honest to peet, serving a loved or esteemed people peeled and de-seeded grapes is a thing. As for me, I don’t eat grapes much, but when I do, I either swallow the seeds… or the non-seeds.
PS: Crunching the seeds isn’t unpleasant either.
gammaguy about 1 month ago
It’s hard to eat grapes that have seeds if there are none to be found.
Ichabod Ferguson about 1 month ago
You don’t buy grapes with seeds when you have kids unless you like finding pits all over the house.
B.D. about 1 month ago
Enjoy these little luxuries while you can, massive tariffs will make them unavailable or unaffordable.
e.groves about 1 month ago
I prefer seedless grapes. And oranges and watermelons.
sandpiper about 1 month ago
Mallett is stringing out a series of complaints. Wonder what has made him fidgety.
Jhony-Yermo about 1 month ago
Grapes w/ seeds?? Mox Nix, I usually eat the seeds in most fruits and veggies. Added nutrients and roughage. Skins too. Except banana peels— that is an example of an exception.
kv450 about 1 month ago
Or you can have some doofus at the packing plant fill a bag labeled “seedless” with grapes with seeds.
Steverino Premium Member about 1 month ago
I think they are just grape.
khjalmarj about 1 month ago
When we lived in Little Rock AR, we enjoyed eating at one of the best seafood restaurants I’ve ever countered. And it was about a thousand miles from the nearest ocean!
Drbarb71 Premium Member about 1 month ago
When you get those luscious grapes, just split them open, pull out the seeds and enjoy, little one.
CoffeeBob Premium Member about 1 month ago
Oh for Pete’s sake! Just think how much range and arc you can get shooting those seeds from a straw at lunch time. Kids. ;-)
Smeagol about 1 month ago
I’m lazy, seedless any day.
bike2sac about 1 month ago
Say what you will about California, we get fresh vegetables year round, seafood, nuts, even grapes. We grow almost all the olives, walnuts, apricots, artichokes, and just up the road from me, Satsuma Mandarins that only grow in the foothills here. Tomorrow i will buy at the farm, 110 lbs to send in one day priority boxes to family members.
EdmundBabe about 1 month ago
Little Karen
chief tommy about 1 month ago
I dont understand her complaint
Seed_drill about 1 month ago
I only really like Concord grapes. They are seeded, but since you swallow the inside whole and discard the skin, not a problem. What is a problem is that they do not keep. They appear for about a three or four week window and are then gone.
Teto85 Premium Member about 1 month ago
Oh, yeah. Your imported fruits and veggies will also be hit by tiny’s tariffs. And those $3.00 bananas.