Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for December 17, 2024

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    Da'Dad  about 24 hours ago

    So the Remembery continues. It seems that like many of us JJ also looks upon these days as a favorite time of the year.

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    SpacedInvader Premium Member about 23 hours ago

    Looks like what my usual outcome was. I had a flat top for a while as well.

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    cjbanas  about 18 hours ago

    No pecan trees but we used to pick up stray golf balls at the driving range that the tractor couldn’t get to. The cash we got went straight into fireworks. Firecrackers, bottle rockets, and roman candles. Ended up with a scorched t-shirt or two. ;) No flat top for me.

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    BJDucer  about 18 hours ago

    Earning $25 was a big deal when I was a youngster. I earned $22.00 one day shoveling snow and remember thinking that was the wealthiest I’d ever been! It took me all day to do it, too. I was never allowed to spend any money, though. My folks really had a poverty mentality and 100% of any money I earned had to go right to the bank. It’s a shame they didn’t know anything about investing money in the stock market. I supposed it could have been worse. I’ve heard about some parents absconding any and all money earned by their kids.

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    Q4horse  about 18 hours ago

    Back than $25 bought a couple of cases of treats, now only one bag.

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    JOJODA  about 17 hours ago

    Arlo’s buddy looks like a younger Gus.

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    DaBump Premium Member about 16 hours ago

    Uhm… ah! It’s funny because that’s not what that verse means or implies! Also “boys will be boys” is always humorous.

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    My First Premium Member about 16 hours ago

    My parents’ advice to me and my siblings, upon earning some cash…“Save some and spend some”. I passed that message down to my own kids.

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  9. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    I wasn’t expecting Biblical quotations from Arlo and Janis.

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  10. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 15 hours ago

    The most “Long-Term” money-making thing I did as a kid was two Paper Routes. The local daily and Sunday, and the huge out-of-town Sundays. I worked hard on Sunday! I also sold Greeting Cards door-to-door, which got me enough money to buy several things, including a portable black-and-white TV, a wonderful thing for a kid to have! I remember the most important thing that did for me was it allowed me to watch “The Twilight Zone”, because it was on at the same time as one of my Mom’s “Soaps”…

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    foxmike6513 Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    As well as collecting pop bottles from the side of the road to get the deposit refund. And why does his friend look like Gus?

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    LONNYMARQUEZ  about 14 hours ago

    Snickers and a Dr. Pepper and if there was money left over pickled sausage

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    mjpalmer  about 12 hours ago

    Wow Jimmy what a character building experience

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  14. Joho69
    JoHo Premium Member about 6 hours ago

    I’m starting to think Gus is the one doing the remembering, not Arlo.

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    Willameano Premium Member about 5 hours ago

    About every 2-3 weeks I just slap on the #2 and go all over my head. It’s going away anyway, so beat Mother Nature to the punch. Every now and then I would let it go long. I called it my fire drill look, because it went wherever it wanted to go. I had let it go for over six months before getting a new driver’s license. Buzz city after the photo, so it looks like a homeless guy was a stand-in for the camera. Pregnant daughter worked at the same company as I. To avoid a hundred questions, I told everyone if it was a boy, blue mohawk, girl – pink. (I had already bought the spray-on hair coloring.) Everyone on my shift knew the score, but the looks I received from the previous shift were priceless!

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