And the “joke” here is Ed misremembering the name of Browns legend Otto Graham, who was a quarterback and not a receiver? Or did Batiuk try out the pun “Otto Bounds” on his six-year-old nephew at last year’s Christmas dinner, and the kid found it hilarious, so he wrote it down for inclusion in a strip 12 months later? Or that someone out there thinks lame wordplay like this is print-worthy?
Me, yesterday: Pmm, carefully holding her hard seltzer and bowl of stale Peeps from last Easter, prepares to head upstairs, curl up in front of the 14" TV and watch “Hot Frosty” on Netflix.
Today: no Pmm. Ed’s hands are in view, empty. We can’t see Jff’s, but his arms don’t seem to be holding anything. Neither is eating. I do believe I called it.
Bill Thompson 1 day ago
“What about that famous French writer-turned-tackle, Bal Sack?”
J.J. O'Malley 1 day ago
And the “joke” here is Ed misremembering the name of Browns legend Otto Graham, who was a quarterback and not a receiver? Or did Batiuk try out the pun “Otto Bounds” on his six-year-old nephew at last year’s Christmas dinner, and the kid found it hilarious, so he wrote it down for inclusion in a strip 12 months later? Or that someone out there thinks lame wordplay like this is print-worthy?
B UTTONS 1 day ago
Didn’t he play with the Lefty Widekickker?
Argythree 1 day ago
I’m just happy to see Cranky…
Brian Perler Premium Member 1 day ago
Jff’s expression in panel two is definitely saying “yep, time to look into old-age homes for this guy”, right?
puddleglum1066 1 day ago
Next week: Ed takes the school bus to the garage, to have its transmission fixed by Mr. Otto Matick.
If Batty ever listens to the closing credits on NPR’s “Car Talk,” we’re doomed.
puddleglum1066 1 day ago
Me, yesterday: Pmm, carefully holding her hard seltzer and bowl of stale Peeps from last Easter, prepares to head upstairs, curl up in front of the 14" TV and watch “Hot Frosty” on Netflix.
Today: no Pmm. Ed’s hands are in view, empty. We can’t see Jff’s, but his arms don’t seem to be holding anything. Neither is eating. I do believe I called it.
kgmitchener Premium Member 1 day ago
If you people don’t like this strip, why do you read it?
lemonbaskt 1 day ago
of course twinkletoes jones will get a gamewinning fg
MuddyUSA Premium Member 1 day ago
Hey…Cranky got the first name correct….not bad!
tremaine53 1 day ago
I thought that receiver was Willie Drawpit.
rockyridge1977 1 day ago
Yep…..that Crank is sharp as a tack!!!!
Dorothy Ownbey Premium Member about 23 hours ago
Maybe we should start calling them, “Crankshaftisms.”
Daltongang Premium Member about 22 hours ago
Yep, he and Joe Shlabotnik went to the same high school and played sports together.
B UTTONS about 18 hours ago
Hey Jff,
You better remember to remind Pamm to buy bags Tostitos for the Fiesta Bowl on Dec-31. You forgot to get Pop-Tarts for today’s game.